When Skies Are Grey

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  “Shit, shit, shit!” you muttered under your breath as you ran through the forest. You were the bait… again. You regretted the decision as you dodged trees. Normally this was fine- you’d distract the monster while the boys stabbed it, shot it, captured it, exorcized it, or whatever the hell they did. The problem was that you and Sam had gotten it wrong. This was no ordinary lycanthrope, this was an Alpha. Yes, you had managed to distract him,  but now he was chasing after you, and he was fast.

  You had gotten far enough away from him that you had time to shimmy up a large tree. By the time you had climed about halfway up, you could hear him get closer to you. He sniffed the air and looked straight up to see you crouching on a large branch. The wolfman growled and jump up towards you. Thankfully, he was too large and bulky to pull his heavy body up the trunk.

  “Y/N!” Dean’s voice echoed through the woods. “Y/N! Where are you?!”

  The large creature below you slowly turned towards the sound of your boyfriend’s voice.

  “Dean! Run, Dean, run! He’s an Alpha! Run!”

  The figure bolted in Dean’s direction and you hurriedly climed down the tree. You ran after the werewolf and collided with a limping Sam. He grabbed your shoulders and tried to calm you down.

  “Y/N? What’s wrong?! What’s go—”

  “Alpha! Dean! Alpha! Give me the gun!”

  Before he could protest, you snatched the gun with the silver bullets from his hand and took off running again. You heard Dean yell from somewhere to your left, and you skidded to a halt before running in that direction.

  “Dean?!” He didn’t answer. “Dean!” You were screaming at the top of your lungs.

You dodged between trees until you saw the large beast standing over Dean’s limp body. Without alerting them of your presence, you pointed the pistol at shot the son of a bitch in the head three times. He fell down, and you ran over and pulled Dean out from under him.

  Your blood ran cold as you looked at Dean’s chest. A werewolf’s true goal is to eat the heart of its victim, and this one had nearly succeeded. Dean’s torso was completely covered in blood, and his face was extremely pale. Your eyes welled up with tears as you stared helplessly at his mangled body.

  “Hey there, sweetheart,” he choked out. Blood dripped out of the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

  “Dean…” Tears started spilling down your cheeks.

  “Hey, Y/N, don’t cry baby. Babe, it’s okay… I’m gonna be fine.” He paused to cough up more blood. “Okay, that was a lie… I- I think I’m dying…” He chucked darkly as he peered up at you.

  “No! No!” You shook your head furiously, “You are not dying! We’re gonna fix this! I’m gonna fix you! I… I’m gonna fix you, Dean… I… you- you can’t leave me…”

  “I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry.” He pulled you down to kiss your forehead.

  You pulled his head into your lap and started sobbing quietly. You could hear Sam behind you, but you refused to turn away from Dean to acknowledge his brother.

  “Y/N?” You looked into your boyfriend’s deep green eyes. “Will you… will you sing to me? Just one more time?” He coughed violently. “Please…”

  “Y-yeah,” you replied. Your whole body was shaking.  “What’da ya’ want me to sing, tough guy?”

  “You remember when I- umm… when I used to have those nightmares? That kiddie song you- you—” his coughed with a grimace… “The on—” 

  "I know which one you’re talking about, hon,” you smiled gently as you felt your heart shatter in two. He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"You are my sunshine,

my only sunshine

You make me h-happ-py

when skies are grey…

Y-you’ll never know, dear,

how… how much I love- you

Pl-p-please don’t take…

my sunshine… away…

  You bit your lip to hold back sobs as you caught your breath. He smiled weakly as you started to sing again.

  “You’ll never know… dear,

how much I- I  love you,

Please… please don’t take

my sunshine… away…

  You held his limp body closer to yours. “I love you Dean…” You spoke softly into his ear, but Dean couldn’t hear you anymore.

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