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  You brought you blade down through the head of, what you thought was, the last demon. Corpses of the previously possesed lie on the floor around you. You scanned the room for any pending threats. Where was Dean? He was standing next to you just a moment ago. "Dean?" you said, taking your pistol out of its holster and holding it at eye level. "Dean, this isn't funny. Where are you?" You walked into the next room, gun raised. "Dean?"

  Suddenly, a large arm wrapped around your waist. A hand covered your mouth while the other snatched the gun from your grasp. You bit down hard on the hand over your mouth and struggled to break free. The arms tightened around you. A familiar dark chuckle came from behind you. "Dean! Let go of me!" you laughed. You thought that he was just joking with you, like he always had.

  "Sorry, princess. Dean isn't here at the moment, why don't ya' leave a message." You turned enough to see his beautiful green eyes flash black. His shirt and chest were burnt where his anti-possesion tattoo had been.

  You started to push away from 'Dean' again, kicking and screaming. "Let go of me! Let go of me, you demonic bastard! Get out of him!"

  'Dean' laughed harshly and pushed you to the ground. "I kinda like it in here, sweetheart," he leaned over you. "Even if he is emotionally damaged beyond repair." He flashed you a wicked smile and pulled you to your feet. The demon pushed you against the wall and laughed.

  "Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way... Where is it?!"

  "I don't know what you're talking about!" you lied. The boys had recently acquired a new artifact, which apparently had the power to control the minds of demons... ''If only I had it now,'' you thought to yourself.

  "Don't play dumb with me, you little bitch!"

  "I don't know what you're talking about," you repeated.

  "Then we'll do it the hard way." You spat in his face. He shoved you again. "Now that wasn't vey nice. Maybe I should teach you some manners..."

  He pulled out a knife and ran it lightly across the skin on your arms. If this demon had anyone else as his meatsuit, then you wouldn't have hesitated to stab him and end this. But this was Dean. No way were you going to hurt him. You couldn't.

  'Dean' pushed the knife into your arm, just hard enough to break the skin. He moved down to you stomach and did the same thing. He reapeated this method of torture over and over again, until your body was covered in knife wounds. You held back screams of pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. His black eyes bore into yours. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. Don't you get it? You can end this. Just tell me what I want to know."

  He smirked. "You should hear what's goin' on up here," he said, tapping his temple. "He's just about begging for me to let you go. He loves you, Y/N. It's pitiful." He laughed as he pulled out a larger blade. "Now I'm gonna make him watch himself kill you."

  You couldn’t think straight. Too many thoughts were swirling around in your head. "Dean... Dean loves me? Me? That’s not possible... It's lying..." you reasoned with yourself. "I need to save Dean. It's gonna kill us both if I don't."

  Suddenly, you remembered the paralyzation spell that Sam had taught you last week. You muttered it hurriedly under your breath, as the demon stalked towards you. He fell to the ground, dropping the knife, unable to move. You prefomed an exorcism, hoping that your Dean was still inside.

  Black smoke flooded out of his mouth violently and his breathing became ragged. Luckily, Dean had survived the exorcism and woke up for a moment, before passing out. You released a relieved breath. Finding his phone in his jacket, you called Sam.

*Time lapse*

  When Dean woke up in the Bunker, all he could remember was passing out after the exorcism. He got up and walked to your room. He turned the handle and stepped in to see you lying on the bed covered in bandages. "Y/N," he said from the doorway, "Can I come in?"

  "Yeah. Glad to see your okay." He walked over to the bed and sat down next to you.

  "What?" you asked when you noticed how sad he looked.

  "I-- I am so sorry, Y/N... This is my fault."

  "Dean, none of this was your fault."

  "Yes it is! I should have been more careful. I was stupid and-- and because of that you got hurt." He looked at you with tears in his eyes.

  "I'm fine. Just a couple of scratches. One or two bruises. I'm just glad that you made it through," you smiled gently.

  "I-- I can't... I can't lose you Y/N. I just can’t." Dean was looking passionately into your eyes. You placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you, Y/N."

  "I love you too, Dean."

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