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I haven't slept in days, haven't moved in days. My body is numb from the cold cement. My thoughts are only filled with FP and Jug. What if he never wakes up? I don't remember what my last words would've been to him. He's the only reason I haven't given up yet. The torture gets harder to live through. My eyelids droop down together. My brain slowly shuts down and I let it. I wake up with a blanket on top of me and my hand no longer cuffed. I open my eyes to Archie Andrews. He is sitting next to me just watching. I stare back at him for a few minutes. He comes closer to me, to afraid to move I freeze. "We should get you out of here before he comes back." I shake my head rapidly.

"If I leave he only comes back and hurts the people I love."  He nods.

"I won't let him, Betty you were my best friend before all of this and that hasn't changed." He assures me.

"Why now?" I ask him wondering why he is helping me now.

"What he had on me doesn't effect me anymore." He mumbles and I nod my head slightly. He continues to stare at me. I turn my head away from him staring at the door in front of me. Leaning against the wall I rip the blanket off of me and put it behind my head. My legs are now exposed since I'm still wearing the shorts that spotlights my scars. Archie looks down at my legs and his eyes widen. "Did Hal do that to you?" He asks with concern in his voice. I sigh in response looking down at my skin. I see blue and purple finger prints all over my skin. My heart beat quickens, I peel my jacket off surprised he didn't take it away from me. My arms are covered with identical bruises. Tears begin to race down my face, I'm unable to make a sound. I begin to search the very familiar basement realizing I moved to a different spot in the room.

The pole I was cuffed to was now to my right, blood and water cover the ground. The puddle stinks up the room with an oder. I begin to sob realizing what happened. Archie covers my mouth to keep me quiet, I calm down picturing everyone back home. Even Jughead. I scan the basement recognizing where I know it. "Do you have a phone?" I ask Archie. He is already ahead of me holding out his phone. I dial the bars number when Sweetpea answers.

"Hello?" Sweets says into the phone and I begin to cry harder. I swallow my tears and speak


"Betty?" He asks I ignore his words and continue.

"Put Jughead on the phone." I order. He begins to talk to some one exchanging the phone with them.

"Betty?" Jug mumbles.

"Hey." I greet him. "Is FP awake?" I ask holding back my sobs.

"He woke up a few hours ago." Jughead explains. I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"Okay. Remember the dream we had of my mother and the fire crackers?" I challenge him. He hums in response. "I'm there, I can't get out because if I do Hal will kill everyone I care about. Talk to FP he'll know what to do." I explain

"Betts, be careful.... I love you" He tells me. I almost burst into tears but hold back.

"I love you too." I whisper choking on my sobs. I lift the phone from my ear ending the line. I hand the phone back to Archie. "Pretend none of this happened and if they come let them in. I want you to find Hal and tell him they're here." He nods terrified of what's going to happen. "Come in here and help me out no matter what I'm going through. I don't care if I'm bleeding out get me out of here and bring me to FP." He nods picking me up and cuffing me to the opposite side of the original pole; so I'm not sitting in a puddle of blood. Archie then walks out of the room carrying the blanket he brought.

I sit there quietly sobbing and choking on my own tears. It feels like years pass by when I'm done crying. I refuse to sleep again so I sit there staring at nothing. That's when my wrist starts to burn, feels like it's on fire. I look at the cuffs and they are bright orange. Not being able to control my body I scream. Tears are falling down my face also generating heat. I'm squirming and wiggling trying to get away. I scream again, and again. A loud crash hits the ground when the cuffs quickly turn off. My entire arm is red and bleeding. I see burns going from my palm to my forearm. That's when Archie bursts through the door. "They're here." He says guilt covers his face when he sees my arm. Uncuffing me he picks me up bridal style bringing me to FP who is in the door way of the house. My eyes are closed on the way to him, but when he carries me to the car they drove here. My eyes open.

"You're okay, I thought you were going to die." I whisper. He chuckles.

"I'll never leave you." He chuckles I smile closing my eyes. "No sleeping he shouts at me. I sigh opening my eyes.

Sweet Dreams ~bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now