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I wake up to loud buzzing, disturbing my sleep. The buzzing becomes louder vibrating my feet. Rolling my head back, blood covers the floor. A familiar beanie lays in the puddle of blood. Squinting at the object, I use the tiniest movements of my tied up feet to pick it up. Grey and shaped like a crown, Jughead. A tear rolled down my face remembering him. The buzzing gets stronger and louder. I can't hear anything for a few minutes, as every minute passes it gets stronger. Then all goes silent, severe pain then shoot through my body from electrical shock. The buzzing starts again, I'm screaming as the shocks go through my body. My body is trembling, and sweating begging for it all to stop. I clench onto the beanie like it was a button to stop time. I know what my father is looking for, and I stay silent. I know he would continue if I give him that satisfaction. For what feels like hours later, it stops. Somehow the beanie is still intact. I laugh a little through my tears, the thought of Jughead, FP, Sweetpea, Toni and all the others.

The walls are brick, stable. Also means they are thick. Someone walks in the room, heels clicking against the floor. "Veronica." I greet her. She begins cleaning up the blood.

"What you got there?" She asks innocently.

I glare at her "what you think." I sarcastically hiss.

"That was your boyfriend's right? Yeah he was easy to take care of him." She acts.

"You didn't do shit to him." I murmur under my breath. "This isn't his.." I state more clear then before.

"And what makes you say that?" She asks

"The smell." I state "It smells like my father."

"Your a smart girl Cooper." She hums before strutting off leaving a perfectly clean floor. 'Fake blood' I think. I sit in the chair by myself barely alive. I look at my bandaged arms, lucky they aren't infected, but the cuts were still raw. Tingles go through both arms, something that used to be painful. Now just a throbbing feeling. My eyelids droop down closed, right before I fall asleep someone walks in.

"Don't fall asleep now, we are just getting started." My fathers slurs. He unties me from the chair, I don't move me being too weak. "Get up." He demands, I still don't move a muscle. "Fine, I'll carry you." He picks me up. My arms falling back not holding on to him. He places me down on a bed, softer then ever before. I fall fast asleep before he did anything else.

A knife goes through my leg, it gushing out my blood. I wince in pain, opening my eyes. I'm in a box of some sort, everything black. "Betty! Elizabeth!!" I hear my mother scream.

"Mom! Mommy!" I scream pushing on the sides of the box. I get myself out of the box, limping out of it I move forward. "Mom!" I scream. Limping further in the building.

"Betty!" I hear once again, this time not from my mother. This time from Jughead. I see him, running as fast as I can to him. I fall on to him, him catching me in the process.

"Shhh he's going to hear you." I whisper. He nods and carry's me out. We get into a car, Me still bleeding from my leg. I become light headed and tired. "Jug my leg," I choke out.

"Stay with me a little longer, Betts." He whispers, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Okay." I choke out. He carries me into the bar where every serpent is stood still.

"Dad!" He screams. He runs to me taking me away from him.

"Betty, stay with us." He yells laying me on the bed in the mini hospital. They begin to operate on me, I feel no different when they finish. "It's not your leg is it?" He asks. I shake my head lifting my arm slightly. He undoes the wrap on my arms. "Damn it, they are infected." He puts an I-vee in me and takes care of the cuts. I begin to feel better. "Your safe Now." He whispers kissing my forehead.

"Thank you." I mumble before falling into a sleep. White takes up my vision, fluorescent lights hit my skin heating it up lightly. Someone is holding my hand squeezing it slightly. I look to my left, "Hey." I choke out.

"How are you feeling?" Jughead asks me.

"Better." I reply. "Thank you." I choke out.

"I don't know what I would do without you Betts." He laughs. I laugh at him.

"They replicated your beanie. Even though it wasn't yours it was the only thing keeping me from giving up." I tell him laughing a little. He laughs at me.

"Your so strong.... I wouldn't be able to go through what you did and still laugh." He states.

"Yeah." I sigh I squeeze his hand slightly. "Come here." I say scooting over to the side. He climbs into the bed with me. I cuddle up next to him, we lay there for a little holding each other in our arms. I look up to him, I lean up kissing him on the cheek. He turns toward me, laying a soft kiss on my lips.

"I like you, Betty" He mumbles.

"I like you too, Juggie." I hum back. I peck his lips
one more time before we melt into each others bodies. Enjoying each others company, when someone bursts through the door.

"Betty! What did he do to you." Chick yells.

"Whoa, too loud brother." I whisper making all of us laugh. I don't move from Jugs grip, "he cut my arms and shocked me until I was sobbing and sweating, and put me in a room full of blood, and in a box."

"Shocks as high as they used to be?" He whispers.

"Higher." I choke out. Jughead rubs my side and shoulder. "Well at least I'm not dead." I joke but no one laughed. "Too soon." I ask Chick.

He nods his head. "Always baby."

"Yeah." I sigh "how bad was it?" I ask looking around the room.

"Infected cuts." He assures me. I sigh in relief, " no bruises?"

"No bruises." He repeats. I smile big, thank goodness. I lay in Jughead's arms until late that night, falling asleep in comfort.

Sweet Dreams ~bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now