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The flashbacks start, of me being the so called perfect girl next door. Baby pink Betty Cooper sitting in a booth with Archie Andrews, pining over every minute like it was my last. Walking in the diner, looking around the brightly colored diner I spot fiery red hair. Making my way to the booth the redhead was sitting in more memories flood my head. Seeing a ravin haired girl for the first time, thinking she was genuine. Later I was proven wrong.

"What you want to talk about, dear cousin." Cheryl spoke in her usual bitchy tone. She sees my red puffy eyes and that tone soon disappears. "Who do I have to kill?" She asks making me giggle.

"I met him." I tell her. Her eyes were bulging out her head. She didn't have to say anything else before I caught her up on the last few weeks of my life.

"So let me get this straight... FP is drinking again, Sweetpea found his son, his son is the demon from your nightmares, Sweetpea went off on you saying something from your nightmares came true, even though this guy is nothing like the guy within the nightmares. FP told the guy about the nightmares and called you weak, you told him off. And on top of all that you are barley sleeping?" Cheryl explained while I nod at her explanation.

"That's my life." I claim while sipping a milkshake. "Being here doesn't help either, memories of being 'perfect'." I add air quoting the word perfect.

"Yeah" she mumbles, I look at her as she's staring at me.

"Let's go." I tell walking out the door she following behind. Tossing her my helmet I drove to the Whyte Wyrm. We go through the back so no one would notice, well at least I thought no one would notice. We walk in as people began to cheer and scream. I give them a confused glare pulling Cheryl to the bar. Toni was working at the bar tonight, so I introduced the two. They were giving each other the biggest heart eyes so I let them be.

"You did not just set Toni up with Cheryl bombshell." A low familiar voice told me. Sweetpea.

"Yes I did." I reply. I look up at him with a weak smile.

"I'm sorry." He says. I give him a bigger smile.

"I forgive you, dork." I laugh at him. He picks me up and twirls me around. I laugh more at him because he's overjoyed. "I need to talk to FP." I mumble only loud enough for him to hear me. He lets me go pushing me towards the office. In front of the office I knock lightly. "Come in." I hear FP say whilst chuckling. I walk in, his smile drops and gets up. "I'm sorry." Tell him not even noticing the other person in the room.

"No, I'm sorry." He declares "your not weak, your the strongest person I know. What you said was the truth, and I needed to hear it." I look up at him and give him a hug. Then my breathing hitches, I fall down to the floor slamming against the floorboards. "Sweetpea, Toni!" I heard FP scream. My breathing is short and unbearable, barley getting air into my lungs. I see that the other person in the room was Jughead. He drops down to my level. I couldn't see much, it was blurry. All I could really see was FP staring at me while Sweetpea and Toni take forever. I could feel an arm pulling me into their chest, their warmth was comforting. A head was on top of mine whispering to me.

"Your in my nightmares to.." He states as my eyes well up with tears. He sways me side to side when Sweetpea bursts through the door. He tries to go to me, but FP stops him. My breaths became longer and slower. My tears disappear, and I gain my strength back. He helps me off the ground, and I'm more confused then ever.

"You okay B." Sweetpea asks me. I don't remember much so I decide to ask.

"What happened?" I watch Sweetpea and Jughead share glances. While FP looks at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Panic attack." He states I nod in response. He looks at the two boys in the room. "The reason she doesn't remember is because her brain shuts down everything but the bad memories, including what was actually happening."

Jughead looks more concerned now, understanding the situation while Sweetpea is more confused then before. "When did they start like that." He asks. I give FP a look telling him 'you don't have to.'

But he takes a deep breath before answering. "First day I threw her." Sweetpea's eyes widened

"You actually threw her!" He screams. FP nods. "How many times?" He asks looking at me. I shake my head.

"It doesn't matter, he was drunk and depressed." I disclose, "it doesn't effect me now."

"Yeah it does Betty I just watched it happen." He screams looking towards FP

I grab his face so he's forced to look at me. "I'm fine, you don't know the half of it so stay out of it okay." He nods his head slightly, holding my waist so he can pull me into a hug.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." He mumbles. I smirk at him

"Do I look hurt?" I question still holding his face. He shakes his head no before I give him a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you B." He whispers into my hair as we hug.

"I love you too." I whisper back into his chest. Pulling away I stand under FP. I embrace him in a hug. "Don't feel guilty, it wasn't your fault you were going through a lot." I murmur careful not to say to much. He kisses the top of head letting me know he was sorry. I then go to Jughead, once again under someone. "Thank you." I express hugging him. He puts his head on my shoulder so I can talk to him. "I'm sorry that I'm in your nightmares, if there's something I can do...." I drag but he shhhs me.

"Don't worry about it. There just dreams." He buzzes. " you're better in real life anyway." I giggle at him. "You welcome." He buzzes again pulling away from the hug.

"You're better in real life too." Sigh after he pulls away. "I better go check on bombshell." I laugh but Sweetpea gives me a look. "Okay gross." I tell him.

"Why do think I took so long, and Toni isn't here." He laughs at me.

"You need to clean the bathroom." I tell FP but he is hysterical.

"You set Blossom and Topaz up?" He laughs me.

"What they have been pining over each other since highschool." I defend myself. "We won't be able to use the public restroom for a while" I laugh but Sweetpea coughs. "No they didn't." I judge.

"They did," He laughs at me.

"Okay that's my house, and your the only one with the extra key." I mention. "I actually hate you, thats my bed!" I laugh along with everyone else in the room. "Hello new home." I say to the office.

"No you are coming home with me." FP tells me.

"Do you really want to hear a girl screaming and crying all night." I quiz him.

"Yes." He responds, we are now heading back to FP's trailer. We walk in to the exact same trailer I lived in for years after my mother died. "Your stuff is in the storage closet. And Jughead is staying here so you can't have your old room. Even though it's a closet"  I laugh at him.

"I'll take the couch, thank you FP." I thank him. He didn't bother to argue with me about taking the couch because of how stubborn I am. I got ready for bed, the minute my head hit the couch I was out.

Sweet Dreams ~bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now