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Fire crackers were placed in every corner, the abandoned basement of the Whyte Wyrm was painted a cool tan color. The cement floor was cold against my feet, the red fire lit the room. I ran towards the basement door, pushing and slamming against it. It won't budge. Looking around the room for another escape rotate. I see a vent big enough for me to fit. I punch the screen of vent in crawling through to get outside. I began to see stars, and there she stood. My mother. I run up to her crying tears of joy on her shoulder. "Mommy." I breath as she's rubbing circles on my back.

"You need to leave." She tells me. I look up at her.

"Why?" I ask but I feel a cold blade against my neck.

"Your father." She murmurs. Then I see him, his empty eyes look at me. Watching the situation.

"Any last words." My father's words ring in my head, meanwhile I'm staring at him. Do something, I think. But he just watches, his eyes fixated on me. I study how he's standing, he moves his feet slightly trying to move.

"I love you." I say words sounding like they were directed to my mother but my eyes stayed on the boy. Suddenly he can move, running towards me as fast as he can. Then my throat is slit, I'm falling onto the road as someone catches me. I look him one last time. "I love you." I whisper touching his face.

"I love you too, Betts." He sobs before I close my eyes. I open my eyes to my old bedroom in the trailer. In an unfamiliar bed, I toss the blankets off of me and go to the small kitchen. I'm met with him, I'm not terrified of him. Instead I'm sympathetic. "You have one too?" He softly asks me.

"Yeah, but it was different then usual." I tell him. "Firecrackers." I say under my breath.

"Wait, what?" He asked me a little louder then the hum he was using.

"I was locked in a basement, full of firecrackers. I got out and met my mom." I tell him and his eyes widen.

"Someone put a knife to you throat, I couldn't move. You studied my movement." He repeat my dream, but in his point of view.

"I figured out how to make you move, I said I love you." I told him

He smiles at that. "I ran to you, but he slit your throat before I got to you. I caught you before you hit the road. I told you I love you back, then you closed you eyes while I sobbed." I smile back at him. "We having same nightmares now." He says again now handing me a glass of water.

I thank him "I guess so," I giggle. "They never go away. I just want one night with a peaceful sleep." I tell him.

"Yeah." He mumbles, looking at the clock 5:00 am.

"I'm going for a run, to clear my head. Watch your dad for me." I advise him whilst grabbing athletic ware. After getting ready, I run out the door. I run until I can't feel my feet, I ran to the edge of Riverdale. I look at the sign with the light from the rising sun. The town with pep. Lies, more like the town with murders. After catching my breath I run to the bar. I walk in the door to know one but FP here. "Hey." I said, he looked up at me and gives me a smile. I return his smile with a smile of my own.

I climb the stairs to my apartment, opening the door I see both Cheryl and Toni making breakfast. I sneak into my room to get changed. Pulling out a pair of leather black pants and a white button up shirt. I pull on my serpent jacket and tie by combat boots. I sneak back out of the apartment without either one of them noticing. I walk down the stairs and sit next to FP. He hands me a bowl of cereal and some toast. "Eat, you haven't since pops with Cheryl." He explains. I thank him, and begin to eat. I peer over FP's shoulder to see what he was looking at, when I see my name.

"What's that?" I question him taking a bite of toast.

"N-nothing." He stutters.

"It has my name on it." I state, thats when his cheeks go red.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you soon." He declares.

"Okay." I respond not wanting to push to hard. Then the door opens.

"Sisteaaa," I familiar voice yells. I look behind me to be faced with Chick. I run up to him embracing him in a hug. He picks me up throwing me on the couch. "Catch me up.. still having nightmares." I nod my head.

"I met him though," I inform him. He looks at me with his eyebrows risen.

"Who might he be?" He quizzes me.

"FP's son." I revel to him. He looks at me his eyes droop down.

"Jughead?" I nod my head, "as in the friend I brought home to meet mom?"

"That was him? Wow, he looks so much different." I yell.

"What do you mean?" He asks me. I laugh.

"You'll see." And like it was on que  Jughead walked in.  "Jug." I call him over.

"Chick?" He asks him, "I haven't seen you in years." He says giving my brother a hug.

"I came to visit my sister." He says patting my head. I roll my eyes.

"Bombshell is upstairs, let me go get her." I tell him before running up the stairs. "Cheryl someone's here to see you," I yell opening the door to the apartment.

"Okay, give me a sec," she says stumbling out of my bedroom. We walk down the stairs when Cheryl sees him. "Chick!" She squeals.

Chick turns around to acknowledge her. "Bombshell!" Chick mimics, I giggle at him as he picks up Cheryl and spins her around. I walk over by Jughead to watch the two talking. I giggle at my brother when he says jokes only me and Cheryl will get.

"What's so funny?" Jughead asks me as I'm giggling.

"Memories. when we were in elementary school, Chick over heard someone call me fat and ugly s-" I started but was interrupted by chick.

"So I pushed her against the wall and screamed in her face." He explains.

"Yeah that wasn't fun, try being a 3rd grader and having someone twice your age push you against the wall." Cheryl adds making me giggle harder.

"Have you heard from Polly?" Chick asks me softly.

My smile immediately drops. "No haven't heard from her or the twins since mom's funeral." I claim.

"She went to go see dad." Chick adds making me scoff. "She wants to forgive him."

"Sounds like Polly, wants to forgive the person who killed my mother." I mumble under my breath so no one could hear, but one did. Jughead put his arm on my shoulder rubbing it gently. "You have anywhere to stay?" I challenge him and he shakes his head. "Grab your bags, were roomies for a little," I laugh walking away from Jughead. I show chick the apartment, "You have the bedroom, I'll sleep on the couch." I state and he walks into the bedroom. "Change the sheets!" I yell at him.

"Betty Cooper!" He yell back. Hiding an obvious laugh.

"Wasn't me babe, know Toni from highschool?" I shout at him holding in my own laughter.

"Toni as in Cheryl's Toni?" He shouts back still in the bedroom. I walk into the bedroom. I nod my head.

"The reunited last night, I had to stay at FP's." I laugh finally letting them go. We then burst out laughing uncontrollably. Before we knew it the sun was gone and nobody was left in the bar. "Tired?" I sleepily say.

"Yeah, see you in the morning." He yawns walking into the bedroom. I fall asleep peacefully that night.

Sweet Dreams ~bugheadWhere stories live. Discover now