Logan Story Part 2

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Logan Story (Part 2)

*Logan's POV*

"Oh I'm sorry" I hold onto her upper arms and grab her tight so she wouldn't fall.

"Um it's ok" she says looking down.

I tried to talk to her, but before I was able to say anything she walked past me and left me standing there alone. I run my fingers trough my hair and sigh.

*Your POV*

I walk into the nurse's office and she stares at me.

"My goodness you look like you just saw a ghost" she says.

I just nod. She takes my hand and leads me to a chair she had against the wall.

"I'm going to get you some water, I'll be back"

She walks away and I stay seated. I reach up to my neck and feel my pulse, my hear was beating like crazy... and it was just cause I saw him. I don't think this is normal, I've never talked to this guy and my heart starts beating like crazy every time I see his face.

"Here go you darling"

I take the cup of water from the nurse and gulp it down.

"You look much better already" she takes the cup from my hands and throws it away. "Tell me, does anything hurt".

*Logan's POV*

"Who you looking for" my friend James asks.

"Uh, no one"

"You sure?" Carlos asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

"We only got like a few weeks of school left then were out!" James said taking a bite of his pizza.

"No more nasty cafeteria food" Carlos says pushing his plate away.

"You gonna eat that?" James asked.

"Uh... no you can have it"

"Sweet!" James grabs the slice of pizza and sets it on his plate. Carlos stares at him as he eats the burnt pizza.

"Dude how can you eat that" Carlos says making a face.

"What, I'm starving"


James throws a small pepperoni at Carlos, and then Carlos throws it back at James.

"Would you guys stop it" I say.

The bell rang and everyone stood up. I didn't see her any where today... where was she?

"You coming bro?" I hear James say.

"Yeah, yeah I'm going"

I stand up and make my way to class. The rest of the day I was thinking about where she could be. I didn't know much about her, yet I was worried about where she could be. Was this normal?

Surprisingly my last period of the day went by fast, the teacher wasn't yelling at us and she didn't give us any homework... which was a good thing cause I needed a break.

"See you tomorrow class" I hear her say right before the bell rings.

I stand up and quickly head to my locker hoping to see her. Her locker was right across from mine. I smile when I see her standing there talking to her friend like always. I had the urge to go up to her and ask why she wasn't in the lunchroom during lunch but... that would just be really weird. I turn around and pack the books I would be needing. When I turn back around my smile turns into a frown when I see her talking to another guy...

"My Dream Became Reality" A Logan Henderson Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now