Chapter Thirteen

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A Steam Train and Locomotives

Ralsei's tail began to wag, as his lips curled into a smile. Finally, their hard work was about to pay off. Finally, Jarod and Cynthia were able to come back home. Cynthia and Jarod both stood up out of their seats as Jude led them through and out of the castle. "What are you showing us sweetie?" Cynthia giggled, walking on the soft grass. Jude's heart went crazy and her palms began to sweat like no tomorrow.

"Close your eyes!" She called out to the two. Ralsei grabbed hold of Jude's hand and smiled. The four were now waiting outside the little house, with a little bit of walking done prior of course. Smoke was coming out of the chimney and a fresh scent of love was wafting through the area. "Where did you bring us to Jude?" Jarod called out, moving is head around trying to figure it all out. Jude and Ralsei grabbed each others hands and smiled to one another. "You can open now." Ralsei called out, smiling. At last, the curious parents finally opened their eyes. Cynthia's mouth opened wide and her eyes sparkled as she looked straight ahead to the house. The wood and brick seemed to shine from the sunlight, the grass was soft and smelled wonderful. It was all that Cynthia could have hoped for. Jarod was smiling too, a small tear in his eye.

"The church is right down the road from here." Jude smiled and looked towards the road that led to the church. "We read your letters, and took all of them into the building process." Ralsei smiled as his tail wagged underneath his cloak even more. "Jarod began to sob as he leaned down to hug the little goat boy. Cynthia hugged her daughter and they both shed small silvery tears. "Thank you sweetie..." Cynthia choked. Jude nodded and buried her head into Cynthia's shoulder.

The four were all happy bees at this point. Now would be a perfect time to show off the inside of the house, and that is exactly what the two young lovers did. They led the two parents into the front door. Here was a small living room and from there a kitchen. It was obviously very different from the usual scene that they were accustomed to. It was small and compact, but it also felt safe and humble. Just how Cynthia wanted. Within the hours to come, young Jude and Ralsei introduced them to the layout and tweaks that were in the house. But of course, the sun was setting and the four were beginning to grow sleepy. Jude gave her parents a goodnight hug and kiss. With that, the two were off to the castle for the night, leaving the two parents to break in the new bed.

"It went well don't you think?" Jude snaked her hand into Ralsei's paw as they walked. Ralsei nodded. "It makes me happy seeing how much they loved everything." He blushed a tiny bit, and looked to his love. "I hope you're happy too, Jude." Ralsei smiled. She nodded shyly. "I'm always happy when you're around." Jude passed a flirty tone to him, making chills go down his back.

While they walked it got even darker, good thing they made it home before it got pitch black outside. Jude went to the bedroom and plopped into the bed, exhausted from the day. Ralsei smirked and climbed on top of her. "You know Jude... I was wondering something..." His breath was shakey and Jude grew flushed. "Yeah?" She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I um..." Ralsei couldn't get his words out. But Jude noticed that something hard was touching her leg from beyond his cloak. "Maybe we could..." Ralsei looked at her up and down. "You mean have sex?" Jude giggled. "No I mean..." Ralsei's face got even hotter. "I mean make a... A baby together..." Jude went blank and shy, as did Ralsei. Jude pulled him down and softly kissed his lips, agreeing to it.

Together they intertwined their fingers, kissing and exploring each others bodies once again. "Jude... You're really pretty..." Ralsei blushed as he began to strip her. Her body started to shiver as Ralsei's paws trailed up and down her torso.

The two were finally connected, happy and in ecstacy. Holding each other in one another's grasp as they made love in the moonlight. Creating life and bonding even tighter.

Her Lonely Prince - Ralsei X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now