Chapter Three

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The Prince's Cookies

Ralsei laid in bed, he had a firm grasp on the pencil that he grazed over the paper. He made gentle and loving strokes on the sheet, carefully crafting the drawing he was making. A clean and easy photo of Jude, the girl he started to obsess over. After all, how else are you to feel when the only real and genuine connection you had was with one other person? That is how Ralsei justified his feelings towards her at least. He stuck his drawing up on the wall right next to his window. He took a deep breath and smiled, he laid his head down for the first time in a while with a smile. Ralsei was genuinely happy. The two friends on opposite sides of the village both laid their heads down for bed in sync and with a smile. "Goodnight Jude." Ralsei called out to the moon. "Goodnight Ralsei." She replied to the stars.

The human and monster both had a successful nights rest, and woke up refreshed ready to tackle on the day. Ralsei began with a nice and refreshing drink of water, before he dressed himself in his usual outfit. The green cloak and pink scarf. He brushed his fangs and baked a batch of cookies for Jude to take over. "I hope she likes chocolate chip..." He looked down and blushed a tiny bit. Before long, the day ended as it began and Ralsei made his way to Jude with his cookies. His lips curled in a smile as he approached the house. Quietly, he made his way to the only lit window and peered in. Jude was sitting in her bed with a stringed instrument. "A guitar...? She plays music.~" Ralsei had hearts in his eyes and was as happy as can be. "Wow... She's amazing." Ralsei whispered to himself. He picked up a stone and lightly tapped it against the window. Jude instantly turned around and smiled. She walked towards the window and elegantly opened it up. Ralsei smiled and gasped, he climbed inside and set the cookies down. Then proceeded to give Jude a nice warm and big hug. "Jude I missed you so much." He whispered while his tail wagged. "Ralsei it's been a day, you must be really lonely without me. Huh?" Jude hugged back and smiled with her teeth.

Jude picked up a cookie and gave it a sniff. "You made these?" She took a bite and smiled. "Yeah, I made them for you." Ralsei looked down with his paws to his chest. Jude gave a tight hug and a tiny kiss on his nose. "Thank you so much Ralsei. They taste great!" Jude exclaimed. Ralsei's heart pumped faster and harder. "Um... You're welcome." He said in a quiet and shy voice. The two young friends sat down on Jude's bed. Ralsei's feet couldn't even touch the floor. "Ralsei, you make me happy. I'm really glad I met you." Jude's soft words made him jump in excitement, and his heart grow a size larger. He took her hand into his paw. "I feel the same way Jude." The pure innocence in his words made Jude smile. It was clear that this relationship would only grow from here on out. "When I grow up I wanna marry you!" Ralsei smiled wide. Which in return, made Jude smile. "I wanna marry you too Ralsei." She replied. Jude gave one more small kiss, and looked to the clock. "Oh dear, it's nearing 11." She hopped up and scratched her head. "I guess I should run back home then. Maybe we can see each other tomorrow? Maybe...?" Ralsei twiddled his thumbs, and hoped she'd want to keep seeing him too. She leaned down and gave a sweet kiss on his lips. Ralsei had chills on his back and his tail started to wag. He kissed back and held her close.

Jude pulled away, after the kiss had lasted a few seconds. But to Ralsei it lasted a lifetime. "I never kissed anybody before." Ralsei smiled wide. "Thank you... It was really nice." He turned to the window, and put his hand on the edge. "Ralsei, I wanna see you as much as possible." She whispered as he made his way outside. He nodded and waved goodbye.

Jude watched Ralsei as he walked away into the foggy night. Just as he disappeared Jude's door swung open. "I heard talking." Jude's father walked in wearing his nighttime garments. "Oh, I was practicing... For the choir performance on Sunday." Jude smiled, a fake and nervous smile towards her father. "Mm, well I know you'll do wonderful darling, and-" His eyes were suddenly fixated on the plate of cookies. "Where did these come from?" He walked over to the plate and picked a cookie up. "I made them!" Jude spoke quickly, crawling into her bed. Her father stared at her for an agonizing amount of time. "Mhmm. Right. Well, goodnight Judeth. I'll see you in the morning." Her father made his way out of the room and back to his bedroom.

Jude took a few more cookies and ate them slowly, savoring the taste and remembering Ralsei. She smiled and touched her lips. "I love that monster..." She giggled. Meanwhile, back with Ralsei, he continued walking down the street, his hands in his pockets and his scarf blowing in the bit of wind. Ralsei smiled wide and looked behind him. "I love that human..." 

Her Lonely Prince - Ralsei X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now