Chapter Nine

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Tea Time and Bedtime

Jude led her dearest goat to the door and opened it gently. Ralsei's heart started to race faster and faster as the warm air and sweet scent of buttercup tea hit his face. Jarod and Cynthia were waiting in the entrance hall for the two, they both welcomed Ralsei with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, son." Jarod held out his hand, Ralsei took it shyly and shook it. "It's nice to meet you too sir." He smiled bashfully to the two older parents. "Well." Cynthia put her hands together. "I see you brought sweets?" She pointed out the platter. "Yes! I did. I thought the sweets could add to the tea." He spoke with a bit more confidence this time. Cynthia took the platter and began setting the dining room table up with various utensils and cups. Ralsei spotted each one out and recalled their uses in his head. 'That's the one you eat with... The one you cut with... Um... The one you serve with...' He put his paws together and took in a deep breath and let it out. He felt a nice soft hand graze his paw. "Let's sit?" She smiled sweetly as he looked up to her. Ralsei nodded sheepishly.

The two teenagers took their places at the table. Ralsei sat across from Jude and mocked each of her movements. Cynthia and Jarod sat across from each other too, making the four of them a perfect square shape. Cynthia led the 3 in grace, though, Ralsei did not know what grace was nor was he able to keep in time with the other three synchronised and harmonious voices, Jarod shot troubled look to Ralsei. Cynthia stood up and poured tea, served a piece of cake and a cookie to each of them and then herself. Jude was the first to take a delicate sip, then Jarod. Ralsei nervously sipped his tea. Though a little too loud, he did his best. It took about 20 minutes before the whole cake was gone, everyone else went for seconds but poor Ralsei was too shy to speak up for another. "You did an amazing job Ralsei, goodness the cake was delicious." Jarod applauded, smiling as he licked up some frosting from his fork. Ralsei smiled. "Thank you sir, I was hoping you'd like it!" Jude smiled in bliss that the two were getting along. "So, do you attend church son?" Jarod asked, curiosity burning him. Ralsei pondered. "No, sadly I don't but I would like to someday." Jude smiled even wider. "Well you're welcome to join us for mass every Sunday if you'd like." He stated bluntly. "I'm sure Jude would like that!" He looked over with a sly chuckle. Jude's face lit up as she tried to cover her blush with her hair. "Oh dear..." She looked down and smiled.

Soon, tea time was over and they all went to the living room. It was nearing the evening and it was getting late by now. Jude opened the main entrance door. "I'll walk you home." Jude insisted, putting her hand in his paw. "Good day Ralsei." Jarod smiled and waved, as did Cynthia. "Join us next time." Cynthia added. With that, Jude and Ralsei were walking down the same driveway that hosted anxiety and fear just earlier that day. "It went really well sweetie. They really like me huh?" Ralsei looked up with the happiest and most joyous smile in the world. It melted Jude's heart. She rubbed Ralsei's soft and scruffy head, making him squeak. Jude and Ralsei walked up to the castle door. "Would you like to come in for a bit?" Ralsei asked, holding his arm out. Jude nodded, and the two walked in, shutting the door behind them. 

He lead her to his room, and he plopped himself on the bed, as did Jude. "I'm really happy they like me Jude." He purred. Jude slid her hand on top of his. "I'm even more glad. It makes me so happy..." She closed her eyes slightly, only to have them open when she felt his soft paw cup her cheek. He tilted her head up and kissed her lips gently. He tried pulling away only to fail when Jude tugged on his scarf, pulling him closer. The kiss got deeper and rougher like it did the night before. They eventually pulled away, breathing hard. "I thought we could celebrate with how good the day went." Jude panted. Ralsei blushed as deep as a scarlet fruit. His body shook as he started to kiss along her jawline and her neck. "I'm really shy Jude..." Ralsei whispered. Jude wrapped her thin fingers around his body and thrusted up. "It's okay~ I am too..." She moaned.

Ralsei kept going, he pushed her down onto the bed and positioned her head on the pillow for extra comfort. He slid her dress up, revealing cute white panties and a matching bra. His face lit up bright. Jude whipped it off and started to tug at his cloak, which eventually came off as well. Now, the shy prince and the excited girl were both in their undergarments. Neither of them knew what to do but their bodies pulled each other closer. Ralsei attacked with a bit of dominance as he started to give tiny hickeys on her chest. Jude ran her fingers up and down her lovers back. Ralsei had a growing bump in his boxers that he started to rub on Jude by accident. He hissed. "What's wrong Razzy?" Jude whimpered. Ralsei choked. "My... My..." He couldn't get a word out. "I think it wants you." He shut his eyes tight and sat up. Revealing his large bump as he covered his red face. Jude smiled and grabbed his sides, rubbing them a bit. "I think I know what to do." She kissed his lips, and tugged his boxers off.

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