Chapter Six

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The Polaroid and the Faith

Jude walked down the street with her heels clicking to the ground as she kept in time with each step. She rehearsed what she going to say to her parents. But then again, what could she say to her parents that would make them change their mind? She sighed a tiny bit and soon enough she was close to her house. Her heartbeat grew unsteady and her breaths a little more frantic. "Alright... Pull yourself together now." She patted her face trying to calm herself down. "This is for yours and Ralsei's happiness." She tried to find comforting words that would ease her heart. But of course she was still uneasy. She made her way to her window and snuck in. Realizing that there was no entry to her room, she took a breath of fresh air. Though, she was concerned that no one had bothered to check on her for the few hours that she was gone. She took a deep breath for one final time and headed out of her room.

She searched around for her parents and found them both in the living room watching the television. She sat down and looked at the expressions painted on their faces. Her father, a blank slate with little to no blinking activity. Her mother, knitting what seemed like a scarf. Jude inhaled. "Father? Mother?" Jude called for their attention. They both looked towards Jude. "Me and that monster? His name is Ralsei... Um, I wanted you to know that we're in a relationship now." Jude's words trailed off as she reached the end of her statement. The tension radiated off of her father, her mother had a face of sadness. "I know you two don't want this... But he really makes me happy, and I want to be with him..." Jude said with a little more confidence this time. Her father looked over to Jude's direction. "Judeth. If you want to stain the family line and breed with a monster then go ahead, I won't stop you. Just don't let those damn hybrids around my house." Her father stood up and stomped out of the room, fuming with anger. Jude looked down, and played with her thumbs for a while. "I'm happy for you Jude." Her mother set her knitting supplies down and sat next to her daughter. "I may not understand your relationship with him, but if it's what makes you happy, then I won't forbid it." Her mother smiled and rubbed Jude's head softly. "I'll talk to your father about it." She said in a caring tone before leaving the room. Jude was alone in the living room with her thoughts. She was both happy and upset, she thought of her mothers words and felt a little more at ease.

Jude's mother walked into the master bedroom, to see Jarod, her husband sobbing over himself. He looked over to the door, reaching his arms out. "Cynthia..." He called out. Cynthia shut the door quietly, and made her way over to her husband to hold and comfort him. "She's going to ruin our family line and success with that monster. She could have been queer for God's sake and it would be better than that damn barn animal." He sobbed in his hands as Cynthia coddled him close. "Jarod, maybe it's not all about success and family line. Don't you want your daughter to be happy?" Jarod nodded in response quickly. "Of course I want our baby girl to be happy. I just want her to be happy with a good Catholic human is all..." He gripped his hair in his hands and pulled a bit, clearly hurt. Cynthia rubbed his back and sighed. "Jarod, all she wants is that boy, can't you loosen up a bit? For all we know they won't be together forever. Just let the doll have some fun." She slowly began to convince her husband. Jarod sighed, and nodded. "I suppose you have a fair point dear." He stood up and left the room to look for his daughter. "Judeth?" He called out in a more calm tone this time. She looked up. "Tell that boy he's welcome over at anytime."

Jude's eyes lit up light a Christmas tree. She hopped up and gave him a tight hug. "Father, thank you." She had slight tears in her eyes. "Just please, don't do anything sinful okay? Please leave room for the Holy Spirit." He requested in a flustered tone. Now it was Jude's cheeks that lit up. "Of course!" She exclaimed, pulling away. Jude raced back to her room and fell into her pillow. She thrashed and squealed in the most excited way possible. She pulled out the various gifts Ralsei had given her over the years and smiled. "Oh my gosh I'm in love with you." She practically had a meltdown in the name of love.

Cynthia came down to Jarod's side. "What did you say?" Cynthia asked, putting her hands on his stressed shoulders. "I gave her permission but, I think that I need to spend some extra time at church this Sunday." He had mixed feelings on the inside, but on the outside he was showing a slight smile and a faded shine in his eyes. "You did good Jarod, God is certainly pleased with you." Cynthia smiled and walked away.

Jude laid in her bed, looking at the letters, photos, drawings, everything. She gawked and giggled at everything. Waiting for her precious goat to come around later on in the day to deliver the wonderful news.

Her Lonely Prince - Ralsei X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang