Chapter One

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The Prince and the Fruit Basket

Ralsei sat at the end of his bed, kicking and dangling his feet, pondering what he would do to pass the time. 'Read a book? Bake a cake? Build a puzzle?' Ralsei thought to himself and sighed. There really isn't much to do here, huh?" Ralsei flopped back on his bed and played with his ears, still thinking. Minutes passed and a light bulb went off in his head. He shot up and grabbed his scarf. "Shopping! I'll go shopping a fetch some fruits and make a pie." Ralsei exclamed in his cheery and happy tone. His feet shuffled about the ground as he made his way out of the house and down the street.

Ralsei made his way to the town market, where all different walks of life could be seen. All different types of monsters, all different creeds of humans. Ralsei walked through and tried to see above the tall crowd of people to make his way to the fruit stand. Eventually, he did, but not without trial and error. The sweet smell of fresh fruit and berries filled his nose from a mile away. He hopped towards it and started with the apples, then to the pairs, and finally to the peaches. He filled his basket up and paid the price, as well as put in lots of silver coins for tips of course.

Ralsei started to turn around when he was knocked down on his behind by some pesky children running around, he looked towards the children and they were gone in a flash. Ralsei blinked a couple of times before his attention was turned to the other side of him. "Those kids are kinda rude, no?" A feminine voice came from above him. A gentle hand picked up the various fruits from the ground and placed them back in the basket, the same hand grabbed Ralsei's own and hoisted him back up on his feet. "Yeah, I guess it was pretty rude of them to knock me over like that..." Ralsei looked down, a shy tone of embarrassment glossed over his words. "Well, don't worry about them. They know no better." The voice spoke once again. Ralsei smiled and tilted his head up and towards the female who was not more than a couple inches taller than him.

His face grew a shade of pink as he set his eyes on every detail of her. She wore a short and frilly pink dress with a pair of white stockings. Her skin was a light color of peach. Her hair dark brown and curled at the ends, which contrasted with her ember colored eyes. She was clearly a human, and a beautiful one at that. Ralsei smiled and politely took the basket from her soft hands. "My name is Jude. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled and cupped her hands together. "My name is Ralsei, its nice to meet you too Jude." The two smiled at each other, until two towering humans came up to the tiny girl. "Jude, its time to go home." One spoke out. Jude looked up and smiled to the grown adults. "Okie dokie mama!" Jude exclaimed, she then turned her attention to Ralsei. "I hope I can see you again soon Ralsei, have a good night!" The three humans turned around and started to head off into the crowd, leaving Ralsei alone to collect his thoughts.

"Sweet pea? What did I tell you about conversing with the monsters?" The father spoke out. Jude sighed. "I know daddy, it's just that he fell over and I helped him pick up his stuff..." Jude looked down, afraid of disappointing her family. "That's alright Jude, we're proud that you did that but please refrain from talking to that boy." Jude nodded in agreement and turned her head to look at Ralsei one last time. Ralsei smiled as she turned her head back, and she smiled too. He waved one last time before making his way back to the castle.

Upon arriving back to his home, he set his ingredients on the table and turned his radio on. Jazz and swing filled his ears as he started making dough. Ralsei rolled out the sticky mess and smiled, remembering his encounter with a new friend. Before long the crust was ready to be patted down into the mold, and then filled with the apple slices that he prepared. After a long, strenuous time, he put the top crust on and popped it in the red hot oven. To pass the time he read a chapter in his book and waited for the oven to go off.

About 20 minutes later, the oven eventually went off, and Ralsei was already 3 chapters down in his story. He folded the corner of the page and closed the big dusty book. Upon opening the oven, the scent of apples and sweetness filled the air and made the room nice and toasty. He set the pie on the edge of the window to cool down, and turned his radio off. He rested his hand on his cheek as he recalled the events of the day. Ralsei smiled and took a big sniff of the sweet pie. Ralsei took a deep breath, "I can't wait to see you again, Jude."

Her Lonely Prince - Ralsei X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now