Chapter Tweleve

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Truly Amazing

So, here was Jude and Ralsei, a happy couple, filled with youth and aspirations, now living under the same roof together. What else could a teenage couple ask for? They would cuddle frequently, sleep in the same bed, bake cakes and pies together, they did so much as a couple. It made them stronger. Ralsei, he was happy to finally have somebody at his side. Somebody to love, somebody to hold at night. His whole life he was deprived of interaction and true love. Until he decided to make a pie that one faithful day. That one day where his life really did change.

"Ralsei can you come here?" Jude called from the bedroom. Ralsei came hopping in. "What can I do you for honey?" He asked, lips perked up in a smile and his tail wagging. "I keep getting letters from my parents. I don't think things are working out for them financially..." Jude perked her head up showing her sad eyes. Ralsei's smile turned into concern, as he walked over to comfort her. "It's been a couple of months since they declared the... You know..." He rubbed her back. "They're doing their best, and they'll be able to get back up on their feet with all the experience they have." Ralsei smiled and Jude smiled back. "Maybe we can do something to help?" Jude spoke up. "They don't seem to want all that glamour and money anymore. They want to live a humble and cozy life... My mother said so in this letter." Jude waved a dusty note in the air. "Maybe we can bring in some money for them, we can build a small house for them!" Ralsei hopped up and his tail started to hit his cloak. Jude jumped up and hugged him. "That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Jude chuckled and hugged him tight.

The two inspired kids first started a bake sale, which raised enough money for supplies over the course of a few months. Jude made art and sold it, which paid for builders to construct the small house in an empty lot not far from the castle. Finally, the two both pitched in all their earnings from the past 16 years to go towards electricity, plumbing and all the other misclanious things needed to make a home. It took nearly a year to build, and once it was built it was declared a cozy home. It was constructed of wood and stone, a tiny little cabin. Exactly the kind of house Cynthia described of her dreams in the letters that Jude poured over for the past year of development.

Though, several villages over, Jarod and Cynthia held each other close, as they felt their lives shatter even more. Jobless and searching, then coming up empty. Jarod was distorted so much that he fell from his religion. Cynthia rubbed her loving husbands back as she sat down next to him. "Look what came in the mail sweetie." Cynthia smiled with the small bit of happiness she had left. Jarod looked at the letter. "Judeth..." He smiled and opened it.

"Mother, Father. I want you to come back to the village, I have lots to show you and I think that you'll be happy to see. Please, bring your things and stay for a while at the castle. Love, Jude."

The two looked at each other and smiled, overjoyed with being able to see their precious daughter again. Soon enough, they made their venture to the village once more. Th same village that they haven't been to in a long time, at least not since the holidays. They pulled up in their buggie and walked up to the castle doors. Cynthia was once more surprised at the exterior. Jude opened the door as Ralsei stood behind her. They both smiled and Jude gave a warm hug to her parents. Ralsei shook Jarod's hand in a firm grip. "Nice to see you again son." Jarod smiled wide to Ralsei, he lit up and smiled back. "You too sir." he replied in a respectful tone.

Ralsei and Jude opened the doors wide for them. The two older ones walked in and set their things to the side. "It's wonderful to have you two over again. I've made supper! Please take a seat." Ralsei gently led them all to the table and to Jarod's and Cynthia's taste, it wasn't too fancy. Ralsei walked out of the kitchen with bowls, platters and utensils for all. He set the main dishes out and everyone started to dig in. "Shall we say grace first?" Ralsei softly spoke up, blushing a little. Jarod smiled wide. "Yea, let's." this time, Ralsei knew what to say, and was confident. Turns out that Ralsei was the good Catholic boy that Jarod wanted Jude to end up with. The dinner was a success, and the quality time the four spent together was one of a kind and worth the travel.

Jude smiled and looked over to her parents. "There's just a couple more things to show you two..." Judy's heart pumped fast, and her palms began to sweat. "What is it dear?" Cynthia asked in a curious tone. 

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