W E ' L L M E E T A G A I N

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Jimin fell onto the floor, grunting. "Jimin!" You ran and pulled him up.

Mr. Lee watched as he lowered his gun a bit, his men entered the room.

'I thought I killed them all?!"

You carried Jimin's upper body as you guided him to the door which thankfully, wasn't far at all. "Go! Go! GO!" You yelled at the rest.

All of you ran and Jungkook carried Jin and you let go of Jimin as you carried Yoongi bridal style. Taehyung and Hoseok helped Namjoon run.

You all ran as gunshots surrounded you. "Jungkook!" You yelled to the boy.

"What?!" He yelled back.

"Where did you shoot him earlier?!"

"Uhh..!" He thought for awhile. "Shoulder?!"


"WHAT?! From your position, you could have- you know, what?! Nevermind!" You shouted in frustration as you kept running.

'It's not his fault, (Y/N).'

"Hey! It's not my fault that you always refused to teach me how to shoot a gun! You should have listened to me!"

"Gah! Fine!" You saw a door that you saw before. It was the door that you entered the house with. "You okay there, boys?!" Some replied you with a 'yeah's.

"Good! Almost there! Keep running!" The men were still on your tail. They kept shooting until two of them hit your back.

"(Y/N)!!!" Taehyung yelled for you as you screamed in agony but didn't let it slow you down. You hugged Yoongi closer to your body as you stretched out your hand to open the grand door.

After you stepped outside you quickly grabbed your grenade and pulled out the ring with your teeth. You threw the bomb into the house.


It wasn't too big but enough to killed quite a lot of them. It wasn't over yet.

"Get in the car!" You instructed. It was nighttime already and you zoomed the car.

You looked into the rear mirror and saw no one was following and you slowed down the car. You sighed in relief.

"Are you... Are you okay?" You checked the boys.

"Not really." Namjoon answered. You chuckled a bit, glad that you saved them on time.

"I'll get you to the hospital..." Your smile faltered. "What happened to Jin and Yoongi?"

"That bastard beat them up. It's so unfair. They didn't do anything wrong. Yoongi was just asking questions but he got triggered for some reason and Jin offered himself to save Yoongi. And now he's... passed out."

You frowned at Hoseok's story. You recalled his last sentence and smiled again.

"Jin saved Yoongi."

Hoseok smiled back as you stated. "He did."

"I'm sorry for not coming for you earlier." You whispered with tears flooded your eyes.

"You came right on time, (Y/N)." Yoongi assured you. You smiled at him from the mirror.

But that smile faded when the mirror suddenly had a hole on it. You glanced to the rear mirror beside the car and saw two other cars chasing you.

"Fuck." You cussed under your breath. You pressed harder on the gas pedal.

You moved the car around, trying to get away from the shots. "Hang on tight!" You squinted your eyes.

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