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Namjoon's P.O.V

Namjoon panted in exhaustion after he finally got away from the angry Jin. Apparently, he knocked down some plates off the counter and of course, being the fragile bitch it is, it shattered. It was an accident. he tried to talk to Jin about it but it didn't really end well. He didn't know how (Y/N) would react as it is her plates.

'Who knows? Maybe it's one of her plates that her great grandmother gave or her late mother or something.'

'Usually, when a guy breaks something it always an important thing in a girl's life.'

'But yeah, let's hope not.'

After he finally caught his breath, he started tip-toeing to his room. Angry Mama Jin is still on the loose. he was close to his room...

And that's when someone cleared their throat.

He froze. Turning around, there stood a lifted-eyebrow-ed (Y/N) with her arms crossed. Namjoon didn't know how to react.

"I-I... Wha-? I uhh... Hey. I mean-" He stood up straight. "Something wrong?"

"I should be asking you that question." You replied. He gulped. "Anything wrong, huh, Joon?"

"Nothing's..... nothing's wrong." He gave his dimple smile, hoping you would let him slide but no, you ain't giving in. He looked way too suspicious to just let it go.

"Come on, spill the beans. Don't tell me nothing's wrong when there's an unsatisfied Jin in the living room and you here sneaking to your room. Just tell me. It's okay." You pursued.

He inhaled and played with his fingers. "I may or may not have broke you plates. It wasn't intentional, I swear. It just... happened. Like, I was walking out of the kitchen, nothing on my mind and then Jin suddenly yelped and I look down and 'Oh hey, there's a shattered plate on the floor.' I was trying to apologize to Jin but when I saw his face was all red, I made a run for it, you know? I still love my life. But then I realised that it was your plate so I should have say sorry to you, I just thought maybe when I see you next time. So I tried to save myself from Jin, that's why I was sneaking into my room. And then suddenly, you're here making me rethink about what just happened and the fear of getting killed appeared once again on my mind so... I'm sorry."

You blinked twice after he finished his speech.

"Yeah. It's fine. Don't worry about it. I have plenty more." You added your cute smile for assurance.

He looked up at you. "You sure?" You nodded you head. He smiled in relieved. "Oh, thank god. I'm sorry but I tend to break everything I touched."

"Bwoh? Come on. That's not true. You can't possibly break everything." You went to hold his hands. His heart started to beat rapidly at the contact. Yours too. You swing your hands around. "See? No harm do- Ah!"

Your face scrunched up in pain and gripped your hand. He panicked and went to hold your shoulders but stopped when he realised that probably will make things worse. You were still groaning in pain.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I d-didn't mean to. I didn't do anything. I-I-" He stopped mid-sentence when he heard your laugh. He was confused but still worried. You placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, man. I was just kidding! You can't hurt me with one gentle touch." You continued giggling. He gave you an unimpressed look.

You laughed more at his look. "I'm sorry okay? I was just messing with you. You looked funny like that."

"(Y/N), don't t-tease me like that. He stammered in embarrassment. He set his head downcast but you can see his ears were red. Your laugh died down. Your face expression turned soft.

"Hey, I'm sorry. That was mean. But yeah, you looked... cute." His head shot up to those words.


'She called me cute?'

'I'm cute?'

"Cute...?" He mumbled, loud enough for you to hear.

It was your turn to blush. "Yeah..." You pulled your hand to your side. It was an awkward silence for awhile.

"Uhh... so I'll be in the living room if you want me. I'm there... talking... to Jin. Bye!" You scurried away from the scene.

A smile unconsciously made it's way to his face. It was wide and his dimples were showing. You looked so flustered it was almost too adorable to handle. How can a killer be this cute?

'I'm cute? You're the one who's cute here.'

Hey, guys! I'm so so so sorry to leave you guys just like that for a long time. Don't worry, I'm still alive. I apologise for leaving you guys hanging like that. Please don't give up on this fic and please forgive this hooman.

If you guys want to request me to draw any of the members, feel free to ask. I have nothing better to do anyway. You guys made me happy and I tend to make you happier. Please consider me as your friend. I need some, anyway. That's all for this one. I'll never give up on this fic. Never Ever! (never gonna let you go) Arraseo? Gomawo. Hwaiting!! <3

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