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60 days ✔️

"We're sorry for overreacting, (Y/N)." Hoseok smiled sweetly at you.

"No. You weren't overreacting. I was just the one that couldn't handle it. You're fine. I expected it, anyway." You waved it off with an unusual wide smile. You were ecstatic that things were going back to normal.

"It's fine." You said while glancing at Yoongi who had his head down in shame as he had hurt her the other day. He was so sorry for how he had acted. But being the forgiving person you are, you accepted his apology.

It had been a day after the incident with Mr. Lee and you were having breakfast together again. You stuffed your homecooked fluffy pancakes in your mouth and set your cutlery down.

"Hm." You hummed, making the boys turned their attention to you. You were about to start talking but you hadn't finished chewing so you raised a finger to tell them to wait. The boys chuckled at your adorable face with both cheeks puffed out because of the food like a chipmunk.

The food was still not small enough to swallow so you took your time to chew more.


You looked up and saw Namjoon with his phone in his hand. You coughed a bit and gulped your orange juice. Finally, you were able to swallow.

"Yah! You took a picture?! Pabo!" Your face flushed in embarrassment.

"I'll tag it as a favourite. And... done. Haha. Most of my favourite pictures are photos of you." He laughed.

"Jinjja?! Mine too, hyung!" Taehyung high-fived the older.

You pouted, embarrassed again.


"Another one to my collection." Jungkook said and showed you an album in his gallery that was saved as '(Y/N)-noona❤️'

"Hajima..." You muttered.

'Aishh... These boys.'

"Okay. Okay. That's enough. Now listen. Carefully." You emphasised the last part, making Taehyung and Jimin who were goofing around turned serious.

"We need to leave this place as soon as possible." The room turned dead serious. "We're not save here. You are not save here. We gotta go. He's still out there looking for us. He's thinking of a plan. It doesn't have to be far but... not here. Let's just think this as a vacation instead of an escape, alright?" You tried to calm the now frightened boys.

"Maybe... Jeju island? It'll be fun." You smiled weakly. Your voice was still hoarse from all the crying you had and you were still scared to move somewhere. But you can't stay here.

"It's not that far and I have a beach house there. We'll celebrate our reunion!" You beamed. The boys did too and cheered together.


Arriving in Jeju Island, all of you began to take out your luggage. Jungkook and Taehyung started to run around the area. Playing like little kids while you and the others put on your sunglasses.

(A/N Like a boss. Like, imagine you guys were walking in slow motion and a catchy beat is playing on the background. Haha. Lol. I went too far)

All of you entered the rented van and headed towards your beach house.

(A/N Okay

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(A/N Okay. I think I'm making you too rich.😂)

"Jungkook-ah! Taehyung-ah! Behave!" Jin scolded the two maknes that were touching everything in awe.

Both of them scrambled towards Jin and stood straight like soldiers. Jin just shook his head and giggled.

"Okay, kids. So each of you have your own room. It's upstairs. You can choose your own." You announced.

"What?" Namjoon butted in. "No more 'our names on the door'?" He joked.

"Haha. Good times." You commented as you had a small flashback. "Okay come on. Let's start unpacking because tomorrow, I thought about going to the beach. A private one."

"Whoo!" Taehyung howled happily and ran up the stairs. You glanced at Jin. He sighed.

"They never learn."


All of the boys sighed as they sank into the comfy couch in the living room, staring at the fireplace.

"So..." Jimin started. "We're really going stay here?"

The tone in his voice made you concerned.

"Why? You don't like it here?"

He jumped at the sentence. "No. No. I'm just worried is all. They won't get to us here, right?"

"Hopefully not." You shrugged but deep down, you were biting your nails just thinking about it.

"(Y/N)?" Hoseok's voice entered your mind. You hummed in response. "Why did you save us? Not that I'm complaining. Of course not but still, why? I'm sorry if that's a sensitive question."

You sadly smiled and looked down. "I guess I just grew attached to you."

You didn't want to admit that you love them too much to let go. But your answer was enough for Hobi to send you a bright -super bright- smile.

"But they're not gonna stop there. So we still have to be careful."

"I understand." He nodded.

It was quiet for about two minutes.

"Do you think it's time for me to use a gun?"

Everyone groaned and looked at Jungkook who was just sitting there innocently.

"You violent maknae." Jimin said in disappointment.

"What? It's cool. We gotta protect (Y/N) somehow."

The boys can't argue with that. They had just have fun without a care but you were there, checking left, right and behind trying to make sure no one can hurt them.

You couldn't help but feel flustered that the 7 most handsome, funny, talented guys were trying to protect you from harm. Like you were so fragile and they don't want you to break.

Like their princess.

Trying to avoid awkwardness, you checked the time.

"It's 12:37. It's late. Come on. Let's sleep."

The boys agreed and say each other's goodnights.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)" They simultaneously said.

"Goodnight." You replied. They smiled at you and went to their rooms.

You just stood there in the dark living room, staring at their backs, walking up the stairs.

"Love you."

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