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Dedicated to annyeongitsjulia for being so supportive and sweet and now people can find this book easier because of her. If you haven't check out her fics, please do! You won't regret it.

Day 25

BTS's P.O.V.

"What do you think will happen to us?" The youngest asked his hyungs, breaking the comfortable silence between the seven of them. He had been asking himself the same question for awhile now. Namjoon set his phone down and sighed. Everyone stared into space, wondering the same thing. It was almost a month. Just another 30 days before they are in the hands of an unknown person.

Jimin turned his gaze towards (Y/N)'s figure who was washing the dishes in the kitchen, swaying left to right while humming some random songs. "She..." He trailed off, not wanting to continue his sentence. "She's not going to... send us to the guy," He stopped while thinking the possibilities. His heart aches just thinking about it. "Right?"

The eldest just looked at him with an expression that says that he was not sure. He did not want to admit but the chances were there. He never wanted to believe that the girl they were getting closer to is going to hand them in to some dangerous man. He would never see (Y/N) doing that. He can't even picture her taking people's life. He sees her as the sweet and innocent girl that just wants to be friends with everyone she meets.

Silence surrounded them again. All the loud and cheerful atmosphere were now gone, replaced by the uncomfortable and unwanted silence.

"What do you think is going on right now? I mean, I'm pretty sure that the whole world knows about us missing by now." Namjoon said, trying to change the subject.

"I bet everything is in chaos now. Hearing BTS got kidnap will definitely make people panic. Especially Bang PD Nim, though." Taehyung snorted.

"Oh, yeah. Imagine that." Hoseok joined in.

"I wonder if they are searching for us now. Anytime, a group of cops or even a S.W.A.T. team would barge in and save us. Take (Y/N) into jail." Jin commented while thinking.

'We would be safe, yes. But what about (Y/N)?'

"Honestly, I don't want that to happen. I kinda like it here. And I don't want (Y/N) to suffer. Especially because of us. I don't think that (Y/N) is really a bad person. I think something must have change her into this. I... I want to help her." Jungkook added, giving out his opinion. The others just agreed silently.

'What did happen that made her become a murderer?'

'Must be something unforgivable.'

Their silence was broken by a loud sigh by (Y/N) who plopped herself down the couch Jimin was on.

"What were you guys talking 'bout?" The guys went stiff went she asked the question.

'Should we ask?'

'It's probably not the right time.'

"Nothing interesting." Taehyung answered and gave her his famous box smile to eliminate suspicion. (Y/N) raised a single eyebrow.

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