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Conan sat me down on the counter and looked around for cups. He walked towards me with a water filled cup and I shakily took it. We were both quiet until I decided to break the silence.

"You didn't have to help me... it's normal..." I mumble.

"That shouldn't be normal for you. I think you should get a councilor," he suggests.

I shake my head no, "I had one for a year. It didn't help. I tried so hard to work with her but she just couldn't help me."

"Oh," he said, leaning on the counter with silence.

"I-I should get back to bed, it's only two," I mutter, setting the glass down and hopping off of the counter.

"Would you like me to lay with you?" Conan asks.

"If you think it'll help but I don't think it will."

We walk to my bedroom and I lay down in my previous spot, the side closest to the door. He goes over to the other side and I glance over, seeing him hesitate when he sits and sinks into the mattress.

"You can lay down," I say, my eyes closing for a few seconds before forcing them back open.

"Okay," he replies, lying down stiffly under the covers.

I don't look at him as I say goodnight, I just stare at the wall.

"Goodnight, Gavin."

"Lights off," I say, letting my head fill with darkness as I turn away from Conan.


I wake up when my 3am alarm goes off. I quickly shut it off and fall back asleep, not noticing how Conan had gotten closer to me.

I wake again at 4 and also at 5. Conan had gotten extremely close to me but he hadn't touched me. I decided to shut off my alarm for 6 and sleep until 7. It was a dangerous idea but I did it anyway.


I wake up with a pounding headache and tired eyes. A small weight was around my stomach and I had immediately noticed it when I woke.

It was Conan's arm. He was so close to me when I looked over to see if he was awake or not. He wasn't? Do androids need rest? Or is it like a power saving mode type thing?

The questions made my head worse and I didn't bother throwing his arm off of me because I slipped out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Stripping my clothes, I looked at my past scars in the mirror. They weren't on my wrists nor thighs. They were on my shoulders, chest, and back. I even had some on my neck. Those were when I really was fucked up. I'm better now but I still have the urges to do it. I killed my fiancé and now I deserve to die a-

"Shut up! Jesus fucking- shut up, Gavin," I scolded myself, knowing that what I felt was true but in reality, it wasn't. I didn't kill him. I had no part in it. It was the android. Stupid fucking androids. No- they're not all bad. Conan isn't bad. Connor and Chloe.

I groaned, stepping into the already warm water provided by the shower head. My skull was pounding and I was starting to get lightheaded. It was bearable but it still hurt like a bitch.

•How was this?•

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