Operation BF

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After dinner

Jungkook sat, glaring at the two girls with him.

"This is it. The time has finally come. Your initiation to the world of adults. Are you sure you're ready for this?" Lisa asked her friend Kim Jisoo as they faced each other, sitting on two of the three chaise lounges at the terrace.

"Dude, I'm older than you by two months, I think I'm ready. Give me the damn beer." She took the bottle from Lisa's hand and drank. And coughed unattractively. "Fck," she swore as she wiped her face.

"Cheers." Lisa  snickered then clinked her bottle against Jisoo's.

"So this is what beer tastes like." Jisoo was saying with a grimace. "I've never tasted crap before but this tastes like crap." She added, but took another sip.

Lisa doesn't seem to mind the taste as she also took a sip to match her friend. "This, my naive first timer friend, is the taste of adulthood." She said superiorly.

"Wise words my friend. I quite agree. Adulthood tastes like crap, quite bitter but with a little sweet aftertaste that makes you wanna puke your guts out but still you take another sip," She did just that. "And bear with it. Until the crappy combination of bitter and sweet grows on you."

They toasted again and giggled at their stupid conversation.

Jungkook kept glaring and drinking from the straw of his own drink.

"How's the taste of your drink Jungoo?" Jisoo asked him when she noticed him glaring. "I bought that specially for you, ya know, because I didn't want you to feel left out as Lisa and I enjoy our beers."

"My drink tastes like banana and milk." He said sulkily thru his teeth, irritated.

"No way! Is that really what banana milk tastes like?" Jisoo exclaimed in mock amazement. "I had no idea. But based on what you said it sounds like it's the perfect drink for a youngster like you, you know, since you're still underaged." She taunted. "And have you tried the choco milk yet? I bet it tastes quite different."

Lisa's soft laugh helped his irritation fade. But he still wants beer.

"Why can't I have beer anyway? It's not like there are adults here with us to tell me off." He tried to grab Lisa's bottle but she kept it out of reach.  "Come on, just let me have a taste." She laughed again and held his hand to keep him from reaching for the bottle. He stopped reaching for the beer, content in holding her hand.

"Excuse me but there are adults here, kiddo. And you can't have beer because the adults said so and that's that. Drink your milk quietly, I don't want to hear another word of complaint from you little mister!" Jisoo declared. "Dude, did you hear me just now? I sounded just like my mom! Wow, I feel so adult-like and powerful." She reclined on the chaise, satisfied.

He rolled his eyes then watched Lisa as she drank deeply from the bottle until it's empty. She found him watching and grinned, her lips red from kissing the bottle, not him unfortunately. "One down." She said reaching for another bottle from the bucket on the floor filled with ice to keep the beer cold.

Jisoo refused to be left behind and quickly finished her own bottle and burped loudly. "Pardon my ass. Man, it still tastes like crap. Why do people even drink this stuff?" She asked, but took the new one that Lisa offered.

"I imagine they drink this stuff because they want to get drunk." Lisa told her wisely as they toasted again before taking their first sips from their second bottle.

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