The dragon, murder and another heart attack

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Lisa's place

Jeon Jungkook

I exchanged numbers with Lisa and she said she didn't have plans for the weekend. However when I asked if she wanted to hang out with me somewhere she declined and said she really just wanted to stay home.

Is she a homebody?

"LET'S EAT!" Came Jisoo's voice from the kitchen and so I had no choice but to drop the subject.

For now.

We sat at the table and shared the ramyeon. Jisoo did put some eggs in it despite her threatening to do otherwise. Lisa digged in with gusto. I guess she wasn't kidding when she said she was hungry.

"Waa you're really hungry." Jisoo commented, watching her friend eat.

Lisa swallowed. "I told you I was. That's why I asked you to bring food." She went back to eating.

"Is this your first meal for the day?" Jisoo asked again and Lisa nodded cause her mouth was full again.

I glanced at my watch. "But it's nearly dinner time!" I exclaimed.

"Busy." Lisa said as explanation.

"Busy with what?" I asked again. Maybe she'll answer this time.

Lisa shrugged and kept eating.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Busy playing her games." She told me.

"Games? What games?" I asked then grinned in amusement. "Pokemon?"

At that, both girls paused to give me a look. Lisa even stopped eating.

"'Pokemon?'" Lisa intoned.

"Do you have a problem with pokemon Jeon Jungkook?" Jisoo asked in a grave tone.

Oh wow, I just got addressed by my full name. Is pokemon a sensitive subject around here or something? I looked at them in turn, they have a serious look on their faces as they waited for my response. I figured that I should tread carefully here. I gulped and prayed that I give the correct answer. "Not at all. Pokemon is awesome." I added a nod for emphasis. "Pokemon absolutely rocks."

They both smiled approvingly to my relief . Yes even Lisa smiled before going back to eating. It feels like I just passed some sort of test. I decided that I'm not going to mention Pokemon ever again to these two, and then gave them a return smile.

"You like pokemon, too?" Lisa said, looking pleased.

Too? Great, she likes those little monsters. Her eyes are even twinkling.  "Sure, who doesn't like pokemon?" I'm actually not a pokemon fan but what the heck, I smiled again.

"What kind of childhood is complete without pokemon?" Jisoo asked.

"Or supermario?" Lisa added.

I'm gonna take those as rhetorical questions because I'm not a nintendo fan.

"Or harvest moon!" Jisoo added.

"Legend of zelda!" Lisa added again.

Okay then. These two are certified nintendo freaks. I filled my mouth with ramyeon to avoid the obligation of adding anything.

"Right? This is why we're friends." Jisoo highfived Lisa. And me, cause I didn't have a choice.

"So that's why you were absent? You were playing some pokemon game?" I asked Lisa.

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