the staring contest

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Their accommodation was a charming little yellow house by the sea. Surrounded by a waist high brick fence to keep the sand from getting out of hand, it stood facing the ocean like a perfectly painted picture of a house by the sea except there's no coconut tree.

There were swing chairs outside that would be a perfect place to lounge on while reading your favorite book, unless it rains or you don't like reading. The two bedrooms on the second floor opens to the terrace, which offers a perfect view of the ocean while you relax and sip your coffee on a chaise lounge of your choice (there were 3 and they're all the same), although you'd have to hold your coffee cup the whole time cause there's no coffee table where you can put your cup, while enjoying the sunrise. Even better, there's actually a coffee shop next door with actual coffee tables on their terrace.

That was all that Lisa and Jungkook could observe from outside as they were still waiting for Jisoo who was getting the keys from the caretaker, who manages a restaurant, which was next to the house just like the coffee shop, but on the other side.

"Sorry sorry!" Jisoo said as she ran up to them, keys dangling from a hand. "That ahjumma asked too many questions." She opened the gates and they followed her to the front door. "If she asks you specifically, Jungoo, tell her you're gay cause I might have accidentally slipped it out."

"Excuse me?!" Jungkook almost tripped on his own foot. "I am not gay." He hurriedly told Lisa when he found her looking at him as if she's seeing him in a whole new different light. "Seriously."

Her lips twitched in amusement. "Don't take her so seriously, seriously."

They went inside after Jisoo, looking around the house.

It was cozy and homey and clean. Lisa went straight to the couch to sit down while Jisoo went to the little kitchen/dining area. Jungkook followed Lisa.

"The fridge is working and fully stocked.. With water." Jisoo reported.

"The couch is working fine too." Lisa reported back, comfortably sitting on the said couch.

"And the stove and the tap are good too." Jisoo continued, still checking everything, even the bathroom.

"And this coffee table is just the right height to rest my feet on." Lisa added, doing just as she reported.

"Nice, very nice." Jisoo was saying as she joined them on the couch. "It would be great to actually live here. Just imagine, waking up to a perfect view of the sunrise or the sun setting."

"Sure.. Unless there's a tsunami." Lisa muttered.

Jungkook snickered in amusement.

They all went upstairs to check the bedrooms. The girls will share one and Jungkook has the other all to his lonesome.

"Jungoo, I seriously have to know. What do you do when you're all alone in your room with the lights turned off andㅡ" Lisa, with a curious blush on her cheeks, started dragging Jisoo away and into their room with a choke hold, before she can finish the question.

Maybe she'll lose conciousness for a whole week. Jungkook crossed his fingers and went inside his own room to unpack his bag.

After sorting out their stuff, they all lounged about the terrace, to appreciate the view.

"We can eat out for dinner tonight but we still need to grab some groceries." Jisoo was saying.

As if by magic, a black card appeared from Lisa's hand. "I respectfully request to abstain from grocery shopping."

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