Commencing Operation 1

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Lalisa Manoban

A few days ago, I got caught up in Jisoo's stupid scheme, 'Operation: BF' as she calls it. What a stupid name. Seriously. There must be something wrong with Jisoo's head, who on earth thinks up something like this? Maybe some part of her brain got too tangled up and didn't get enough oxygen.

Ofcourse, I did agree to it. Something must be wrong with me too. I breathed deeply in case my brain does lack the oxygen it needs, although it wouldn't really change anything since I already agreed to help my friend.

Jisoo came up with a simple plan to start things off. The plan is to become friends with Jeon Jungkook.

Phone conversation between Lisa and Jisoo

Lisa: How exactly do you befriend someone?
Jisoo: Well, you should introduce yourself to him.
Lisa: How?
Jisoo: Dude, you're classmates. Just come up to him and introduce yourself.
Lisa: Hi Jeon Jungkook, I'm Lalisa Manoban. I'm a friendly freak who comes up to people out of the blue and introduces myself. Let's be friends from now on.
Jisoo: Hmm, I don't think that will work.
Lisa: You think?
Jisoo: Especially the part where you said you're a freak.
Lisa: Even if I said I was a friendly type of freak?
Jisoo: Yeah. Let's keep that between the two of us.
Lisa: How did we become friends anyway?
Jisoo: It's been so long, I don't remember it so well.
Lisa: Wait. Why did I become friends with you? Didn't I have better choices back then?
Jisoo: Yah! What are you saying? You were the weird one in class, I just became friends with you because you keep giving me your food.
Lisa: Seriously? That wasn't even my food, that was the rabbit's food.
Jisoo: What rabbit? You mean our class pet?
Lisa: Yeah, that one.
Jisoo: Yah! I thought that was from your lunchbox!
Lisa: Dude, who eats carrots for lunch?
Jisoo: Oh my god!
Lisa: What? You said you were hungry so I gave them to you.
Jisoo: Everyday?
Lisa: Well, you keep saying you're hungry every day so I was trying to be nice.
Jisoo: You just ruined my childhood.
Lisa: I thought you liked carrots.
Jisoo: Not anymore!
Lisa: Fine, so what am I supposed to do with Jungkook?
Jisoo: First, do not give him carrots!
Lisa: What if by some chance, he likes carrots?
Jisoo: Make sure to not tell him it's the rabbit's food!
Lisa: Okay, noted. What else?
Jisoo: Well, you should try to give off a friendly vibe. Try smiling. And greeting him good morning.
Lisa: Does that usually work for people?
Jisoo: It works for normal people. Better than giving him carrots. Or approaching him out of the blue like some freak.
Lisa: Fine. I'll come to school early this week and see what time he usually arrives.
Jisoo: And greet him good morning.
Lisa: And that.
Jisoo: And don't forget to smile.
Lisa: Right. I can fake a smile, no problem.
Jisoo: And absolutely no carrots.
Lisa: Dude, what is your problem with carrots?
Jisoo: Are you serious? You just told me you fed me the rabbit's food!
Lisa: I keep giving them to you because you look so happy when you were eating them.
Jisoo: You know how I barely pass my tests in class? What if those carrots were the cause?
Lisa: Ehh, that can't be. It's most likely some kind of parasite feeding on your brain cells. Remember how you drank an expired chocomilk once?


Today, I arrived early at school, there's hardly anyone in class. Coming early is so unlike me. I even greeted some classmates 'good morning' with a fake smile, for practice. They probably thought I ate something bad for breakfast, or that I have constipation. I'm not the type to greet people, or to smile, fake or not.

Anyway, it looks like Jungkook's not yet here, his seat is still empty. I grabbed my phone and some money from my bag and went out the room to the vending machine by the stairs. I'm going to get some coffee and then sit by the benches over there and wait for Jungkook to arrive. Once I see him, I'll follow him to the classroom, then follow him as he walks to his seat, then greet him, then I'll sit down on my seat which is beside his, all casual, not suspicious at all. And don't forget the fucking smile. The plan, I have to follow the plan.

So.. Should I smile while greeting him, or while I'm sitting down? And I should call his name first, right? How else will he look at me to see me smiling? But suddenly calling out his name, wouldn't that be weird? We haven't been introduced, he probably doesn't know my name too. Should I maybe kick my table or my chair to get him to look at me before I greet him? And then smile at him? Wait, maybe I should kick his table or his chair, would that be better? Wait, maybe I should kick him by accident to get his attention? No, no, no. If I do that, I would have to apologize, and if I apologize and then greet him and then smile at him that's going to be weird, it's gonna mess with the order of things. The plan, gotta follow the plan.

I slapped the vending machine in frustration. I'm overthinking this and it's stressing me out. I breathed deeply, in and out. Then I repeated it five times to make sure that my brain is well oxygenated. The plan is simple, I just need to follow it. No overthinking. No stressing myself out.

Satisfied, I inserted some coins into the slot and pressed the button for the canned coffee. And then I waited and waited for the coffee to drop. It didn't drop.

Jeon Jungkook

I slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor where my classroom is. I feel so very sleepy, having stayed up late last night playing games on my laptop. I yawned widely, not caring who sees me with my mouth wide open, let them see my cavities, although I have none according to my dentist. Let them see my uvula then.

I reached the top of the stairs. By the stairs is a vending machine. By the vending machine is a girl. She was tall and willowy. It looks like she's still trying to decide what to buy, she's staring really hard at the drinks on display.

I stood behind the girl and let another yawn escape. She'll get a good look at my uvula if she just spare a look behind her. I think I've yawned about five times and she still haven't looked. I was yawning so hard my jaw is starting to ache.

But boy, this girl is sure taking her time. I peeked over her shoulder to see why she's having a hard time deciding. There's canned coffee, canned tea, banana milk, chocomilk, orange juice, apple juice, lemon juiceㅡ

She smells nice, is that her shampoo or perfume?

The girl suddenly slapped the glass of the vending machine. I jumped in surprise. What? Why did she hit that out of the blue?

Did she notice me smelling her?

It doesn't seem like it. I took a step back, in case she looks back and finds me standing too close, smelling her. I should stop smelling her.

I noticed the people around were looking in our direction, probably surprised when the girl hit the vending machine. Or maybe they saw me smelling the girl and thinks I'm some kind of pervert. I should stop smelling her, I thought to myself again, nostrils flaring.

I watched as the girl took a deep breath, then she let it out slowly. And then she did it again and again. What a weirdo. Why is she doing breathing exercises here?

After the breathing exercise, she finally inserted some money into the machine. Finally. She pressed the button for coffee. She waited and I was waiting with her but the machine didn't do anything.

Huh, did she break the machine after all?


To be continued.

Operation: BF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now