Agreement, terms of endearment and nicknames

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The next day

Jeon Jungkook

Lisa didn't show up at school again. What the fuck is going on?

I hunted down Jisoo during lunch.

"Where's Lisa?" I asked her as soon as I found her in the cafeteria.

"Yes I'm enjoying my lunch, how about you?" She smiled pleasantly and continued eating her ramen.

I sat down and layed out the packed lunch that my mom prepared for me on the table. "Look, she's been absent for two days. And it's going to be a long weekend, I was thinking of asking her to hang out or something but where is she?"

"Can I have some of your kimchi?" She said, eyeing my food.

I gritted my teeth then tried bribery. "I refuse. But you can have them all if you tell me where she is."

"Oh how cute. An amateur trying to make a deal with me." She snorted. "Jungoo, keep your kimchi. I don't have the answers to your questions unless you've agreed to my plan." She made the 'call me' sign.

Bribery didn't work. I tried friendship and compliment and guilt all in one. "I thought you said you're my kind and generous friend?"

"Ofcourse I am. How can you think otherwise? Do you see me offering to help out other boys with Lisa?" She asked indignantly.

"Wait, are there other boys interested in her? Who?" I asked, distracted.

She snorted again. "I can tell you ofcourse but I won't. Not until you've agreed to the plan."

"Can we please have a normal conversation where you answer questions without shoving the plan in my face every damn second?"

"Sure, why not?" She said with a shrug.

"Thanks a lot."

"Oh you're welcome. What kind of normal conversation do you have in mind?"


Jisoo was waiting. But I can't think of anything I want to talk about with her except..

"Pfft. You just want to ask me about Lisa, don't you?"

I nodded, sheepishly.

"No can do, Jeon Jungoo." She perked up. "Ooh, that rhymed. Genius." She even nodded to herself in approval.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Let's talk about this brilliant plan of yours instead."

"Sure, what about it?"

"The information about me that you're going to sell.. Are you going to sell everything you learn about me?"

"Not everything."

"Define 'not everything'."

"Just the sellable ones." Jisoo took out a little black notebook from her pocket and gave it to me.

"What is this?" I asked opening it. "Operation: BF?" I read. "Boyfriend?"

"Dude, it's bright future!" She corrected. "How the hell did you come up with 'boyfriend'? You're not even my type."

I laughed despite the insult. "Ofcourse, BF stands for bright future because what kind of freak would think BF stands for 'boyfriend' or 'bestfriend'?" I asked sarcatically and flipped to the next page, and read. "Everything about Jeon Jungkook? The fuck? You've got a little black book about me?"

Operation: BF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now