Meeting the Weird Friend 2

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Jeon Jungkook

"Burgers, fries, coke." Lisa muttered. "You two stay here, I'll order for us." She stood up.

"I'll do it." I offered, standing up too.

Lisa shook her head. "Nope. I got this." She told me and left.

I watched her go. She had a weird, determined look on her face. "Call me if you need help." I called to her back. She ignored me.

I sat down and found Kim Jisoo, looking at me, watching me like a hawk from the other side of the table.

For a moment there was silence between us. I suddenly feel awkward. Lisa didn't leave me here alone with her friend on purpose, did she? I remembered her idiotic plan of setting me up with her friend. I told her not to go thru with it.

Jisoo smiled. "Did you notice that look on her face?"

"Uh yeah. I was just thinking it looks like she's up to something weird."

"Something like beating up a vending machine?"

I grinned. "Exactly. Good thing there's none of those around here. "

"Yeah, good thing.. But let's hope they're not out of coke or something or she just might get ideas.."

My mouth fell open, remembering the vending machine. "She wouldn't actually beat up anyone, would she?" I asked, feeling uncertain.

"Pffft. Ofcourse not. Unless they're really out of coke then we're in troubleㅡ"

I was halfway out of my seat.

"Kidding! I'm just kidding!" Jisoo exclaimed to stop me.

I sat back down and gave her an annoyed look.

She chortled at me. "What were you planning to do exactly? You gonna back her up?"

"No. I was going to make sure that they have everything available before things get out of hand." I explained patiently.

She laughed again. "Just chill out. She won't beat up anyone. She'll just be doing her thing, you know? Oh no, ofcourse you don't."

"No I don't. What thing?" I asked, curiously.

"Well Lisa, she has this thing. She likes to stand by the counter, looking cross while ordering." Jisoo explained.

What? "'Looking cross'?"

"Yup. She'll pretend she's annoyed and she'll keep giving them disapproving looks and they'll rush to do what she bids."

I snorted, imagining it. "Seriously?"

"Yup. She says it's for the betterment of customer service or something."

"For the betterment of what?" I laughed. "Ehh, now you're really pulling my leg."

"Umm no, I'm not." Jisoo said, shaking her head.


Jisoo nodded.

"Your friend is hella weird." I told her seriously.

"You'd think she's weird, but me? Nah. We grew up together so maybe I'm just used to her by now. Although, everytime she does this sort of thing, I keep praying that they won't think of spitting on our drinks or dropping the patties on the floor for an extra flavor of dust."

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