Meeting the Weird Friend 1

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School, early morning

Jeon Jungkook slowly climbed the stairs to the second floor. He feels so very sleepy and he can't stop the yawns from escaping. He reached the top of the stairs. By the stairs is a vending machine. By the vending machine is a tall, willowy girl.

He grinned, this scene looks familiar.

"What is this? Are you planning to beat the crap out of the vending machine again? Go ahead, I won't stop you."

The girl, Lalisa Manoban, whirled around in surprise. And sneezed.

"Is that some new kind of greeting?" He teased and faked a sneeze. "There. That means 'good morning to you too'." He snapped a finger. "Cue!"

Lisa rubbed at her nose. "Cue?" It turned red.

"Cute." He mumbled. He scratched at his ear. "I mean cue. You know, cue for you to smile."

"It's too early." She grumbled and flopped down the nearby bench.

"I didn't know you liked coming to school this early. How come I haven't noticed before?" He asked as he sat down beside her.

"What kind of freak likes to come to school this early?"

"Umm, me?" Did she just call me a freak? Jungkook thought.

"Nah, I just came early because of a friend." Lisa continued, likely she didn't hear him.

"Really?" Me?

"Uhuh. She told me she'll come early and bring me some coffee."

"She?" Oops. Not me. "Who's this friend? Wait, you actually have friends?"

"Just a friend. Who likes money. And carrots." Her brows furrowed. "Wait, did you just diss me?"

He laughed. "You dissed me first."

"Now why would I do something like that?" She asked seriously, turning to face him.

"Why indeed?" His eyes twinkled.

"Your eyes." Lisa said, leaning in for a closer look.

"Hmm?" Jungkook's eyes widened unconciously.

"They're very brown." She observed, eyes narrowed.

Her face is too close.

"And they're twinkling." Lisa added. "How are you doing that? Is that some kind of affliction?"

"Affliction?" Jungkook grinned. "Maybe. It's your fault actually. You make them all twinkly."

Something crashed on the stairs.
They drew apart and stood up to look.
Someone scrambled for the fallen cans of coffee.
And tripped. Which flipped her skirt. Which revealed, just very briefly, striped pink underwear.

"Do you like the color pink by any chance?" Lisa asked Jungkook in a very loud voice.

Jungkook coughed to cover a laugh. "Umm.. I'm actually more partial to black."

"Oh? How about patterns? What do you think about stripes?" Lisa continued, still with a loud voice. Her lips are twitching. It looks like she's holding back a laugh.

She's actually cracking jokes right? This must be her friend.

He grinned and noticed the can of coffee that rolled near his feet. He bent to pick it up and showed it to Lisa. "Let me guess. That's your friend?"

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