Sorrys and miscommunications.

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It had been a few days since I last spoke to Ben and Will. I was mad at them for telling me what I could and couldn't do. I've had my whole life predicted and laid out for me and nows my chance to make it my own story, my own choices, my own life. I survived the first term of uni and still had another year and a half to go. Even though I just passed by with a few marks on all my exams I still wasn't happy with outcome of the term. I was studying for my degree but I didn't know what I wanted to do from there.  I was in the car with my Mum heading home for a few days, I had a check up tomorrow and I needed to get away from Samantha. I wasn't up for her drama and death glares. And of course my brother had to tell her about the exchanging of words the other night so naturally I'm back under the spotlight.

"Have you spoken to your brother yet?" My mum Kathy asked?

"Nope" I replied blandly.

"Do you intend too?"

"Nope" I didn't want to talk about it.

"Your going to have to talk to him sooner or later. You'll be sharing the same home for a few days". 

"I'll stay in my room then" I replied sending her an fake smile.

"Your stubborn" my mother sighed with a slight giggle at the end.

We pulled into the driveway and got out the car. I grabbed my bags and headed straight to my room. My dad was still at work so there was no point sticking around for Ben to show up. I climbed the stairs and started making plans in my head on what I needed to do. Wash my clothes, gather new stationary supplies, recharge my energy by sleeping for a long time and only come out in the middle of the day when Ben wouldn't be home. I was going to turn off my phone so I wasn't disturbed by anyone else. After the 3 months I had with constant bickering from my room mate, squished shoulder to shoulder in corridors of my lecture buildings I just needed my space and quiet. I guess when you've been in hospital practically your whole life you become accustomed to being by yourself. My thoughts were short lived when I opened my door and saw Will lying back on my bed. My blood boiled seeing him lying there looking all calm like there was nothing wrong.

"What are you doing here? Your not meant to be back till this afternoon with Ben when he finished school" I hissed quietly so my mother didn't hear.

"I got here early. I thought I'd surprise you and.."

"I don't need surprising, I need you out of my room and to leave me alone" I angrily interrupted throwing my bags on the ground. "I don't want you here and I'm pissed at you" I added.

"Raychel I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you angry, I was just doing my job looking out for you." He said quickly hopping of the bed to stand in front of me.

"I don't need you to look out for me. Its not your job to look after me." I growled. He wasn't helping the case.

"Raychel, I'm sorry I really I am. I just didn't want you being caught up with a creep. Your new to this world and last thing we want, I want is for you to be taken advantage of. And if I remember correctly It is my job. Your parents swore me to the task." Will said in a soft tone.  He stared into my eyes looking to see if I showed any response or hint to my next move.

He was right. I was being silly about it, they were just looking out for me.
Sighing I responded "Your right, I'm sorry, I went over board but I was so angry that you wouldn't let me make my own decisions. I just went out for one coffee. We walked and talked afterwards".
I walked around him and fell on my bed face down. I felt miserable for the way I treated them, for treating Will, he was my best friend after all.

"And you kissed him" He added. I looked pointedly at him. 

"we didn't kiss, He kissed my cheek and that was it. Cannot classify that as a kiss" I sighed.

"Right. Just please just don't call me big brother again, I'm not, I'm your best friend." He said sitting down next to me patting my back.

"But you are, you are acting like big brother, watching my every move, dictating what I should and shouldn't or more or less who I should and shouldn't see. Just let me please do what I want, for once." I pleaded looking up at him.

Will sighed and nodded. "Ok, I'm sorry, if you want to keep seeing David I'll butt out."

"Thank you, I appreciate it, if I need help, I'll come to you ok? It's not like I have a girl friend any way to help me out." I said with a smile rolling onto my back. I sat up and patted his shoulder. "He is nice, and he was very polite if that makes you feel any better?" I asked hopeful.

"Sure" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. I stared at Will and wondered just why he was acting so weird. I know my parents told him to watch out for me but he was taking it way to far. Was there something more behind his actions? The way he treated me? Surely he couldn't like me, he has a new girl every fortnight on his arm. He's always planning date's and texting someone. There was no way he could harbour any feelings for me, have any room in his life for me especially when he knew my history.

"Hello, Raychel, are you there?" My eyes came back into focus and to this world and realised Will was talking to me.

"Huh, oh sorry what was that?" I asked.

"I said did you want to watch a movie tonight? Are you ok?" I felt his hand touch my shoulder.

"I'm good, I'm...I don't know, I'm pretty exhausted and I have an early appointment tomorrow." I replied. He nodded and just kept staring at me. "Hey Will?" I asked after a few moments of silence. "Remember that party we went too before we started uni?" I asked


"Do you ever think about that kiss we shared? did you....." I was interrupted by a knock on my door.
Will jumped up ran to the other side of my bed and belly flopped to the floor just as the door opened.

"Hunny you've missed your medication, is everything ok?" My Mum asked as she opened the door.

"Yeah just resting, I'll be down" I replied.

"Can you come down now, I need some help preparing dinner, Ben's back from school and he's setting up the bbq out back. Actually why don't you message Will and see if he wants to come? And before you argue your not talking, it's an order you will invite him, now come on" she said grabbing my hand pulling me off my bed and leading me out the room.
I didn't even have a chance to look behind me to see Will slowly standing up off my floor. He can fend for himself while I leave the room. Little did she know she has already invited him without me asking. Surely he heard it all. 

I also didn't even have a chance to finish my question. I wanted to know where we stand, i wanted questions answered and I didn't even get ask them. Now I have to endure tonight in awkwardness around him cause he knew what I was thinking about, he knew I wanted to ask about the kiss we shared but he didn't get to respond. What if it was nothing and now I looked like an idiot making something out of nothing?

Hi there!!

A new update, unedited and ready for reading. Please leave comments and let me know what you think!!

Ex oh ex oh

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