Surviving your first exam

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That time in the first semester had come, mid-term tests. There was grunting and swearing, throwing of things, tears and frustration. That was just to get out of bed.  The rest of the day didn't get any better. I spilt my HOT coffee down my top and on my shoes, which left me to wearing the singlet I had underneath my top and listening to squelching in my shoes (yes they were closed in shoes). My bag handle broke and all my study paperwork flew halfway across the campus  park. I was late for my first exam.

"Marks will be deducted from your overall score for your lateness" my professor said the second I entered the class "no apologise here's your exam get to your seat"

I grabbed my paper and hurried to the only spare seat, way in the back. I placed my bag down with a loud thud "sorry" I whispered looking around to angry faces.

I grabbed my pencil case out of my bag and fixed my desk up. Looking at the clock I had an hour and fifteen minutes left. Focus Raychel, you can do this, I said to myself and started on the first page. I reached the fifth question and realised I was way in over my head. I was in my arts history exam, answering questions on the greatest artists through history, from their back story to their greatest success. I was stuck on Da Vinci's birth town. I couldn't for the life of me remember what it was. I had a slight pounding starting at the base of my neck making my concentration waver. I moved to the next question and started to write my answer only to have my pens ink run out. I reached in my pencil case to find I didn't have any other pens. How did this happen? I'm usually organised and have extra stationary. I looked around to see the person next to me had 3 pens in their desk.

"Can I borrow a pen please" I leaned and whispered.

They passed me their pen and grumbled something about not enough time.

I looked at the clock and saw I had fourty five minutes left and I hadn't even moved from the first page. How did that time fly? No way! I continued on to the next questions and answered the best I could. Time had come where I had to leave my test upside down on my desk and walk away. I had 3 unanswered questions and three different coloured pens on my test. Apparently I'm bad luck when it comes to pens, I had to borrow another pen after the first one I borrowed and it was red. I'm pretty sure red pen was a no go and will result in deduction of marks. I was so screwed, I've failed for sure and that was just the first exam for today. Two more to go and I was finished for the term.

"Raychel, What's up?" Will asked running to catch up with me. I was pissed, more than pissed, I was angry. I was more than sure that i failed that exam and if its any testament to what I just went through, im doomed and will fail my other ones.

"I don't want to talk about it." I snapped trying to hold the strap on my backpack.

"Whoa, I see someone needs a snickers bar" Will chuckled to himself.

"A snickers bar? really Will? You think it's a good time to be funny huh?" I snapped.

"Hey, don't talk to me like that if you've got a problem talk about don't take it out on me." Will snapped back, grabbing my shoulder stopping me dead in my tracks.

I looked at him and realised just how bitchy I really was. My chest started getting heavy and tears started to reach the surface of my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, my day was horrible. I've failed my first exam most likely will fail my other ones and I cant handle this stress anymore..." I sobbed sounding like a blubbering cow.

"It's ok we all get like this." Will pulled me on for a hug and patted my back. "you'll do great with your exams, I highly doubt you'll fail, your so smart"

"But you weren't there, I had some of the questions incomplete. Some in multi colours cause my pens didn't work..." I rambled on.

"I'm sure they will understand if they ask why, don't stress so much." Will continued patting my back and hugging me.

After a few minutes I looked up at him feeling a bit better than I started out.

"Thank you, you know the right words! I'll make it up to you" I said with a small smile wiping my face.

"So is that a sorry?" Will teased with a wink.

"You know it is, I've said sorry before" I chuckled.

"Yeah I know but you hardly say it and I wanted to hear you say it again"  This boy will seriously be the death of me one day I shook my head and went to say something when my phone started ringing.  I looked at my phone to see an unknown number. I wasn't sure to answer it or not, I hate answering unknown numbers. I decided to answer as curiosity got the better of me.

"Hello?" I answered wearily.

"Hi Um, Raychel?" The man said. I picked his voice immediately.

"David!" I exclaimed "hi, how are you" my voice picking up in cheer. I felt Wills gaze on me harden a little. I mentally rolled my eyes, Will seriously needed to get over David.

"I'm great, you?" David replied.

"Um yeah, busy pace , exams and all, what's up?" I looked at my watch and realised It was well past my medicine time. I started to walk and Will followed with.

"I just finished my shift and was wanting to know if you were free for a catch up tonight? Maybe just after dinner, catch dessert together?" He questioned.

"That's lovely, I'll need a stress reliver after today I would love to. What time and where?" I asked rounding the corner to my building. Will still kept up with me quiet as no doubt trying to hear David's end of the conversation.

"Would eight thirty be ok? Say the cafe where I work? I get staff discounts and happen to know they will have a killer apple pie being served tonight." David said.

"Sure sounds great. I'll be there at eight thirty" I replied with a smile on my face. My first unofficial date, I was getting excited by the second.

"See you then" we both hung up and I looked to see Will with a blank look on his face.

"What now?" I asked opening my room door with my key.

"Your going on a date?" He asked pointedly.

"Well no, it's just dessert." I threw my bag on my bed and walked to my cupboard where my medication was. "I'm going to dessert with a friend."

"A friend" raised eyebrow. "You just met him a few weeks ago"

"Yeah well I make friends quickly and he usually studies when I study so we've been talking." I took a few of my tablets and downed them with water. The day I no longer take these tablets will be pure freedom. "Look I'll be fine, I'm in a public place, having pie and coffee, I'll call if I need help, ok big brother." I giggled.

"Don't call me that, just call if you need". Will hurriedly left my room leaving me to look into the empty spot he once stood. What is his problem?

Hi, I've uploaded after a very long time!! I'm determined to finish even if it take my lifetime ;)

Please comment and send some love!!

Ex oh ex oh

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