the truth

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Thanks for reading, sorry for the late update and please bare with me for mistakes, I'll fix them when I can :D Enjoy and don't forget to leave comments and votes!!!.

I awoke to a heavy feeling in my stomach, I was going to be sick. I sat up and bile rose to my throat. I rushed to the bathroom and let myself go as soon as my head reached the toilet. Footsteps thundered up the stairs followed by banging on the door of the bathroom.

"Raych, open up." one voice said.

"What's wrong." came another voice.

"Are you OK sweetie". That was my mother asking.

They kept banging and banging making my headache pound louder and louder.

"Will you just shut up" I yelled in hoping that they would leave me alone. It worked, the pounding on the door stopped but the pounding in my head didn't. Flushing the toilet I stood up, walked to the basin and washed my mouth out and my face. I walked to the door and embraced myself for a million questions. I opened the door and an instant dizzy rush came to me, causing me to stumble forwards into Ben.

"Oh gosh, Raych are you OK?" He asked worried. I looked at mum and responded to her,

"My tablets" She ran off down the hall and into the kitchen. Ben helped me up and guided me to the lounge room. I looked around holding my head, to see Dad, Ben and Will?

"What are you doing here?" I directed the question at Will.

"I stayed here last night, Are you OK? What's wrong?" He replied.

I just shook my head and took the tablets and water from Mum. I downed them hurriedly and closed my eyes. I could hear them all talking and asking questions but I wasn't responding. I just wanted to sleep. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see dad looking at me sympathetically. I hated that. I didn't want to be looked at like that. I was home, not in the hospital.

"We need to tell them" He simply said and looked to Ben and Will.

"Tell us what?" Ben asked getting even more worried.

"Tell you nothing, OK. We don't need to tell them anything" I said looking back at Dad. "I was just late in taking my pills that's all" I closed my eyes again to allow the spinning in my head to subdue.

"Raychel, they are going to find out sooner or later OK, tell them now and swear them to secrecy not to tell others, besides Will needs to know for when your at Uni."

"What do you mean?" Will asked. I looked at him and then back to my Dad. I looked at Mum who nodded with agreement and signed.

"Fine I'll tell them". I sat up a little bit higher and looked at Ben and Will. "The reason for all of this is my sickness.." I started.

"Well, no duh Sherlock" Ben stated, interrupting me.

I gave another award winning eye roll and continued. "What you don't know is what exactly is my sickness. Which I'm quite surprised that you's don't know after the whole time of me being in the hospital and all" I started rambling on, not really wanting to tell them what I was sick with. I heard a light cough to the left of me which was a Que. from Dad to continue.

"But what I have is called Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer, while it can be cured within a 5 year span, I have only just come up on the good end. Because I got it so little, they couldn't use the treatment as strong as one would for an adult, hence why its taken so long. What I had just then was because I didn't get up at the right time to take my meds and it was my body going down the drain pretty much. I rely on them to keep my body working until it can work for myself." I looked back and forth between Ben and Will, both faces held the same expression, shock, sadness and confusion.

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