Adapting to Uni Life

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Hey all, Thanks for sticking with me while I'm getting this book established!

I want to dedicate my NEXT CHAPTER to someone so I'm making a competition. All you need to do is vote AND leave a very constructive comment. The person who I think has left the comment that helps me out the most I will dedicate too. (Open for ALL). No hate cause like guys it's seriously not cool!! Forget the spelling mistakes and grammar errors. Will fix them up later ;)

Well enjoy :D

Ugh, it was day three on classes and already I wanted to do nothing more than curl up under my sheets and go back to sleep. My alarm buzzed louder as it reached the second round of ringing. Groaning with defeat, I reached over, turned it off and with defeat got out my bed.

I was halfway through putting my make up on when I heard a knock at the door.

"Who Is it?" I yelled.

"Open up heffalump." Will shouted back.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the door.

"What's the password?" I teased.

"Really? How old are you again?" He laughed

I opened up the door "That's not the password by the way. It's chocolate coated marshmallows." I gave him a dead panned look.

"Your not meant to tell me the password, unless your giving me access to your room" he winked.

"Ugh really, your such a sleeze" I laughed.

I walked back to my desk and kept applying my make up. I finished up and noticed Will staring at me.

"What?" I asked looking at him through the mirror. I picked up my hair brush and started to work it through my bed hair.

"Nothing, just wanting to know how your going" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm fine." I responded, calm.

"Have you taken your tablets yet?"

"Yes I have mum. Are you like checking up on me for my parents or something?" I tied my hair into a high pony tail, pursed my lips blew a kiss at my reflecting and turned around.

"Have you called them at all?" He asked taking a step forward.

"yes I did, just last night." I crossed my arms.

"Have you talked to Ben, your brother?" What's with the fourth degree?

"Not yet." I admitted feeling a little bad.

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