Chapter 22

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"Darkkit, from now on untill you get your warrior name you shall be Darkpaw. Fernheart has learned so much since she first arrived, so she deserves to have an apprentice now. Darkpaw, Fernheart shall be your mentor." Brokenstar announced cheerfully as she watched her son hesitantly make his way to the tabby and white she-cat to touch noses. When they stepped back from each other, the DeathClan leader continued.

"Shadowkit, you are now Shadowpaw. You're mentor shall be Stoneforest. He is very strong and wise, so he will be a brilliant mentor for you." The small black tom hopped over to the white tabby tom and pressed his gray nose to his mentor's pink nose. Brokenstar couldn't help but purr at her sons. They're growing up so fast...

"Darkpaw! Shadowpaw! Darkpaw! Shadowpaw!" The DeathClan cats chanted joyously to the new apprentices. Once the cheering died down, the cats dispersed and individually congradulated the two young toms. Brokenstar leaped down from the tree stump and trotted over to her kits, beaming vibrantly.

"I'm so proud of you two. You are ready to learn the ways of the Warrior Code through your mentors. They will teach you well." As Brokenstar was praising her sons, Stoneforest and Fernheart had approached from the busying clan cats.

"We'd like to show them the territory first, if that's alright Brokenstar." Stoneforest rumbled politely with a small dip of his head. The black she-cat didn't reply for a couple heart-beats, staring into the tom's dark green eyes with an unknown expression before giving a curt nod of approval.

"Go right ahead. Teach them everything! I'm so excited for my kits." The leader mrrowed warmly, a purr escaping her throat again. The white tabby warrior dipped hus head once more before leading Shadowpaw and Darkpaw toward the camp entrance. Fernheart gave Brokenstar a friendly smile before bounding off after them.

After watching her clanmates leave, Brokenstar scanned the camp for her deupty. She spotted the dark warrior sharing a plump mouse with Bloodmoon near the fresh-kill pile. There may be more kits to come. She thought wistfully as she saw them laugh together.

Brokenstar approached the two cats and mrrowed a greeting, gesturing to Thunderheart. "I need to speak with you in my den." She ordered, then turned back toward her den and galloped over to te entrance to slip inside. She sat down comfortably in her mossy nest and heard paw steps following her as the deputy entered her den as well.

"What's up, Brokenstar?" Thunderheart looked quizzical as he asked, settling down beside his leader. His deep blue eyes were flooding with concern as he gazed at the black she-cat. Brokenstar glanced at him briefly before looking at her paws and sighing heavily.

"I need to tell the father of my kits that he is the father. I'm afraid that if I wait much longer, my kits will feel off for not having a male figure like everyone else has. I mean, I don't... But look at where I am. One brother os dead and the other a psychopath and I probably will have to kill to stop his treachery." Brolenstar choked up on her emotions as she explained everything to her friend. Thunderheart tilted his broad head to the side as he listened.

"Well, I could always father them for you. I really want kits of my own." He offered sweetly, but Brokenstar shook her head.

"You're not the real father. It'd eat me alive for not telling their blood-father. I need to tell him or I'm going to lose my tail." She released another sulky sigh, not looking up when Thunderheart ran his tail-tip down her flank in attempt to comfort his leader.

"Then go tell him. Take him out on a hunting patrol or something." The dark tom purred soothingly to Brokenstar, and she faced him anxiously.

"I... I guess that would work." She replied hesitantly, giving her clanmate a soft smile. "Thanks, Thunderheart. You are a true friend."


"Exploring the territory and hunting practice all in one day!? This is awesome!" Shadowpaw cried excitedly as Brokenstar led him, Stoneforest, Flamestripe, Fernheart, Darkpaw and Skypelt through the drooping willow trees. The sun was beginning to set, so it's orange-purple rays painted the ground in scattered splotches where light was able to dive through the forest canopy.

"Hush, Shadowpaw! You're going to scare the prey away for miles!" Stoneforest hissed at his apprentice firmly, and Shadowpaw flattened his ears agrivatedly, but quieted down. Darkpaw gazed around with wide oculars as the patrol wandered deeper into the trees.

"I still don't see why our patrol is so big." Skypelt grumbled to himself, his pure white fur becoming pinkish as he stepped into patches of sun beams. Brokenstar looked over her shoulder at the young warrior.

"I want plenty of fresh-kill tonight. Especially since Leaf-Bare is on it's way. The more prey, the better. It's best to start early. Robinflight and Foxpaw are already stocking up on herbs for the cold season." She explained to the grumpy tom, her fluffy tail flicking to and fro behind her. Skypelt remained silent.

"Alright, here." The clan leader announced, pausing between trees. Her clan mates began scenting the air, and Fernheart and Stoneforest began to give their apprentices their hunting lesson. Brokenstar scented mouse nearby, so she seperated herself from the rest of the patrol and spotted the tiny brown creature scuttling across the leaf-caked earth. The black she-cat immediately dropped into the hunter's crouch and crept forward sluggishly. The mouse didn't sense her presence at all untill it was too late. Brokenstar gave a leap, coming down on the mouse swiftly before snapping it's neck with her teeth.

"Nice catch!" Flamestripe's praise arouse from a few tail-lengths away. Brokenstar smiled and nodded in return, burying her kill to pick it up later.

Soon the prey was accumilating as the patrol hunted, so Brokenstar haulted their progress and had them gather. "There's something I wanna tell you guys." She started, feeling nervouse with their eyes boring into her like metal rods. She inhaled deeply before pressing on. "As you know, I've kept it a secret from everyone who the father of my kits are."

She instantly felt a tension rise in the atmosphere as Stoneforest, Skypelt and Flamestripe stiffened in place. "Don't feel pressured to reveal the father, Brokenstar." Fernheart spoke up with a gentle voice, gazing at her leader warmly. "Just because cats ask you about it doesn't mean you have to tell. It's your choice."

Brokenstar smiled greatfully at the tabby and white she-cat. "This is my choice, Fernheart. But thank you for your kind words. That means a lot." She purred almost inaudibly, then faced the toms again more confidently, her red and blue eyes blazing with perserverance.

"It is your choice whether you want to father my kits, because Thunderheart has offered to do so if all else fails." Brokenstar silently prayed StarClan for that one tom to handle this maturely, and not negatively.

"Stoneforest, you are the father."

--- Sorry for the short chapter guys! But I'm gunna start the action next chapter, so please read, vote, follow, share, whatever! Stick around for the next few final chapters! 150 reads guys! We can do it!(: love ya guys! <3

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