Chapter 14

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It was two moons since Wolfstorm revealed his hideous blood-thirsty secret to Brokengaze and murdered Frigidpaw. She had carried her friend's body back to camp and told everyone what had happened. They were completely shocked and they sympathized Brokengaze for days as she mourned her losses. The great news is that a moon ago Cinderheart had given birth to four healthy kits. Lionblaze was so thrilled, he barely left her and the kits.

Two of her kits had taken a special liking to Brokengaze, one day scampering up her with wide curious eyes. "What's wrong with your face?" A small short-haired black she-kit with deep blue irises strained her neck to look up at the odd-eyed warrior. She was impressed by the boldness of the kit, and found her brother adorable. Brokengaze felt touched by Cinderheart's insistance on naming Bloodkit after her deceased brother. Brokengaze only knew of Bloodkit, not of her other littermates.

"I was hit by a badger, little one. But I'm fine now. It's just a scar." Brokengaze purred in amusement as the kits exchanged awe-struck glances. She looked at Bloodkit's brother, admiring his white tabby pelt and dark green oculars. "And what's your name?"

"S-Stonekit." He chirped timidly, huddling close to Bloodkit. Bloodkit brushed him off and bounced up and down.

"Brokengaze! Play a game with us!" She spun in a circle, tackling Stonekit to the ground with a delighted squeal. Stonekit was taken by surprise, squirming away from his sister and shaking out his ruffled fur. Brokengaze chuckled in amusement and nodded.

"Alright, what game should we play?" She asked eagerly, enjoying spending her time with the kits. Bloodkit rolled in the sand, then pounced on Stonekit's tail before jumping up again, full of energy.

"WindClan Invasion! Let me get Applekit and Robinkit!" The little she-kit darted back into the nursery, quickly returning with a ginger tabby she-kit and a dark brown and gray mottled tabby tom trailing behind her. Brokengaze purred warmly at the kits as they scampered toward her, yet she couldn't help how quiet and shy Stonekit was.

"Alright, Brokengaze is the WindClan invader! I am Bloodstar! Appleclaw, you are my deputy! Robinfur you are my warrior! Stonefoot is another WindClan invader!" Bloodkit chimed, then squealed in delight. "ThunderClan, attack!"

Applekit, Robinkit and Bloodkit tackled Stonekit and Brokengaze and growled playfully, nipping lightly at their pelts. "You'll never defeat me, Bloodstar!" Brokengaze flashed her teeth in a fake snarl and gently batted the black kit on her flank. Stonekit was rolling across the dirt with Applekit as they pretended to claw each other to pieces.

"You're foolish, Brokenstar! Give up now!" Bloodkit retorted, flattening her tiny black ears against her skull as he bared her canines in return. Robinkit approached with her sister, creating a fake growl. Brokengaze felt tingly as the name hit her ear drums. Brokenstar... It sounds so intriquing. So possible. Great StarClan! Bloodpaw's dream! Brokengaze jolted with realization at the memory of Bloodpaw telling her of his strange dream of herself being a strong, powerful, even feared ruler of her very own clan.

But Brokengaze was knocked out if her thoughts when a bundle of black fur barreled into her, clinging to her tightly. "I said give up!" Bloodkit squeaked, trying to fight off a bout of giggles. That's when Graystripe's outraged yowl made them all freeze and whip around.

"Who in the world are you and what do you think you're doing in ThunderClan territory!" The gray deputy stalked up to a battered black rogue, bristling. His fur was pure black, with even blacker rosette markings, and his eyes were a startling blue even though they looked tired and glum. Brokengaze briskly guided the four kits back to the nursery, then trotted up beside Poppyfrost cautiously.

"I am Thunderheart." The dark rogue spoke hoarsely, as if he hadn't spoken in years. "I am a rogue that was born in a clan far, far away from here. My ancestors told me I had to seek out the striking thunder for it shall soon fall to darkness."

"Seek out the striking thunder for it shall soon fall to darkness?" Bramblestar repeated in confusion, stepping up beside his deputy. "So ThunderClan must be the 'striking thunder'?"

"Other clans?! Far away?! Amazing..." Whitewing murmured near Brokengaze.

Thunderheart swallowed loudly, glancing around at all of the clan cats precariously. "I'm not entirely sure. Possibly. I left my clan, TravelClan, because everyone thought I was a traitor. I was framed for the death of an apprentice, when it was all my sister Rivereyes's fault!" The tom's legs shook from effort, and he seemed very weak. "That night StarClan came to me and gave me that prophecy. And here I am. I've traveled many moons to get here." Thunderheart tried to sit down carefully, but ended up collapsing roughly onto his haunches.

"That's a very long time. No wonder you look so beaten up." Bramblestar meowed coolly, although there was a hint of sympathy on his tongue. Thunderheart shook his head negatively.

"No. I was just attacked before I reached your territory. I was almost killed but another loner rescued me." The dark tom sighed heavily, his dark blue irises seemed to be painted with agony. Bramblestar looked ponderous before he spoke again.

"Can you describe the two cats to me?"

"My rescuer was a ginger patched tom with amber eyes. He was very kind to me, but I never got the chance to get his name." Thunderheart explained quietly, attempting to lick down his ruffled fur.

Sol! Brokengaze almost gasped out loud, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself and her ugly scarred face. "Sol." Graystripe snarled angrily, revealing my thoughts. His spine fur stood on end. Thunderheart looked confused and he tilted his head.

"You know him?" He asked innocently, blinking his blue oculars slowly and hypnotically. Bramblestar nodded curtly, his amber eyes blazing darkly.

"We know him all too well. He is a menace. Be cautious of him, for he tried to make us turn our backs on our ancestors!" The clan leader spat, kicking up sand beneath his broad paws.

Thunderheart flinched slightly and began to look very afraid. "I had no idea." He mewed, but Thornclaw stepped in and cut the rogue off.

"What did your attacker look like?" The golden-brown tabby tom grimaced impatiently, his tail drawing in the loose dirt as it swayed to and fro.

Thunderheart looked irritable from Thornclaw's aggression, but he proceeded to speak anyways. "He was small and skinny, with black and white fur and light blue eyes."

Brokengaze sudden felt the world whirl before her, her limbs feeling wobbly. Wolfstorm is still near our territory... He almost killed Thunderheart... She felt her hearing decrease and she could've sworn she heard Bloodpaw's soothing voice right before she fainted.

"Stone's may be sharp, but they can definitly heal broken hearts. Be careful, my sister, for the storm is approaching. Death needs to rise soon."

--- Hey guys! Sorry it's kinda short and it's been a couple days! I've been really busy! Please spread the word about my book! I'm thinking about doing a sequel if this book gets at least 150 reads by the time I'm done writing this book. I'd appreciate the help guys! I love you all!(: <3

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