Chapter 16

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"StarClan has warned us to stop this arguing! This meeting is over!" Bramblestar hissed in exasperation as he descended the Great Oak and stormed toward the tree bridge. The rest of the ThunderClan cats followed their leader swiftly, returning glares that were thrown at them from the other clans.

Why is my brother doing this? Brokengaze swam in her troubled thoughts, and almost didn't hear Thunderheart speaking to her.

"Why is ThunderClan scent being found on every dead cat?" The dark tom questioned innocently, allowing Brokengaze access to the bridge first. The black she-cat jus shrugged as if she knew nothing. She was going to see Bramblestar privately as soon as they get back to camp.

The trek back to ThunderClan camp was long and silent, density in the chilly Leaf-Fall air with every step they took. Each cat was caked with dew by the time they reached camp. While the others dispersed and went to their dens, Brokengaze stayed behind-Thunderheart by her side of course- and she waited patiently until she watched Bramblestar slip into his den on highledge.

She started at a fast trot, Thunderheart flanking her protectively and confidently as they both picked their way up the tumble of rocks. When she reached her leader's den entrance, she cleared her throat apprehensively and meowed. "B-Bramblestar?"

"Come on in." Came the crestfallen tone of her old mentor as she entered his den uncertainly. She gestured for Thunderheart to remain on guard at the mouth of the den. "Why, Brokengaze, what can I do for you?" The dark tabby spoke in unexpectation, his amber oculars glowing in the gripping shadows.

Brokengaze hesitately slightly before returning with, "Bramblestar, I have to leave ThunderClan." She saw her leader's eyes widen his shock and dismay, his jaw dropping with speechlessness. "I'm certain Wolfstorm is the one murdering all of those innocent cats, including your sister. While I'm here he will be a huge threat to the clans. I must set off to find him and rid him off this earth myself. He has caused me more pain than any cat. More than my parents when they abandoned me." The black warrior explained deeply, her blue and red eyes clouding with sorrow. "I thought he was my best friend. I thought he was the brother of my dreams. It seems that everyone has their secrets."

Bramblestar stared at the long-haired she-cat for a long moment, shuffling his broad paws against the cold stone floor. "Brokengaze... You are such a loyal and valuable warrior to my clan... Are you sure you want to do this?" His voice cracked with sadness when he responded quietly, his dark tail-tip brushing along the ground. Brokengaze took a step toward her friend and nuzzled his neck affectionately.

"Yes..." She croaked as her throat tightened up on her from the swelling emotions within her. "More innocent lives will be ripped from clans if I don't go and find Wolfstorm. I'm going to miss everyone terribly. But most of all, I'm going to miss you." She admitted with her eyes glued to her paws. She heard the uneven breathing of Bramblestar next to her ear and she looked up to see him gazing into her eyes with a wave of compassion so strong she felt her breath catch in her throat.

"I'm going to miss you horribly so, Brokengaze. You will always be my apprentice. I will announce this to the clan tomorrow at dawn. Get some sleep; you will need it." He dismissed Brokengaze without letting her utter another word, turning over in his nest. She stared at him, noticing how feeble he looked from the loss of his mate, his sister and now one of his closest friends. She felt awful for putting more agony in his heart, but she had to keep him safe.

Maybe if I chose to stay, he would even consider becoming my mate one day... She shook her head to clear it of the childish thought, and she backed out of her leader's den sulkily, feeling a tail run down her spine comfortingly. She glanced up into Thunderheart's soft midnight blue irises, concern swimming along-side the sympathy.

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