Chapter 3

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"Alright. Brokenpaw, Wolfpaw, Bloodpaw. Try those battle moves again. I want them perfect. Absolutely perfect. Any error or slip up can cost you your life in battle." Sol instructed solemnly, paired with Brokenpaw, and Wolfpaw paired with Bloodpaw. He was giving the young littermates another long training session that cloudy afternoon. The blazing sun was sinking lower in the sky, and the gray clouds promised rain to come. They were practicing in a grassy clearing, lined with colorful wildflowers. It was near this old abandoned twoleg nest that was still in oretty decent shape for being an abandoned nest. It was full of lazy mice and it had no holes in it's roof.
It had been two moons since Brokenpaw and her brothers ran into Sol on what they now knew was the ShadowClan border with ThunderClan. Sol had taught them so much in so little time. He had given them what he called an Apprentice Ceremony because he said it was what the clans did whenever a kit turned 6 moons, and the siblings were a little overdue. He says that each clan apprentice is suppose to have a mentor to train them, but he would be the mentor of all three young cats since they weren't a clan. So he trained the three apprentices every day, whether it was hunting practice, patrolling, or fighting techniques. Brokenpaw was quite impressed at how much Sol knew if he apparently stayed with the clans for a "short while".
After the training session, Brokenpaw was nibbling on a mouse within the now-familiar walls of the abandoned twoleg nest when Bloodpaw approached her quietly, something visably nagging at his mind.
"I need to talk to you..." He started uncertainly, then paused. Brokenpaw blinked her blue eyes curiously, sitting up on her haunches and running her pink tongue over her chops satisfactorily.
"What's up?" She pressed anxiously, her long whiskers fluttering against her soft cheeks. Bloodpaw swallowed loudly, shuffling a broad, dark brown paw against the wood floor. Brokenpaw had never seen her older brother so unsure and choked up.
"Well... It's probably nothing. But... I had a dream." He finally spoke out and looked like he regretted it, giving the slightest wince as if Brokenpaw had swatted at him.
"A dream?" Brokenpaw tilted her head to the side in puzzlement, her blue oculars intrigued. Sol said that only important cats have dreams, and that they were usually sent from their warrior ancestors that live in StarClan among the stars in the night sky. They watch over their loved ones and protect them from the unwanted, heartless monsters of the Dark Forest, where the cruel cats go after they die of a life of crime.
Bloodpaw nodded curtly, his broad face seeming troubled by some inner thought. "It was... Wierd. It was about you. I think... I think our ancestors are trying to tell me something." He meowed softly, swiftly giving his shoulder a few rough licks. "I saw you... Standing on this big rock..." He paused again, not wanting to carry on.
Brokenpaw still urged him on, touching his flattened ears with her dark nose. "Don't be afraid, brother..." She mewed, attempting to comfort the big tom. He blinked at her greatfully.
" You were standing above many, many other cats, and they were all listening to you... Some seemed joyful for you, others were proud for you... Yet some were even scared of you. I think you have a big future coming, Brokenpaw..." He concluded with a flick of his dark brown ears. With that, he got up and padded away without another word.
Brokenpaw stared after him in bewilderment, her crystal blue eyes wide in awe. He couldn't possibly think that I could be a clan leader one day?! She thought for a moment, then sighed. Oh, StarClan... You never are easy, are you?

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