Chapter 11

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"The new deputy will be Graystripe!"

Murmurs of surprise rippled through the mass of ThunderClan cats as Bramblestar announced his new deputy just before moonhigh. The gray striped tom stepped forward and lifted his head proudly.

"I shall do my best to serve this clan till the day I die." The senior cat replied gruffly, his blue eyes filled with fresh determination. Bramblestar gave a curt nod and leapt down from highledge. It was time to continue Squirrelflight's vigil. Majority of the clan sat around their fallen clanmate, whispering their last words to their beloved friend.

Brokenpaw stood in line silently, waiting for her turn to share her final thoughts with the deceased she-cat. She felt warm breath against her ears and she turned to see Frigidpaw hrushing against her flank comfortingly. His bright blue eyes glowed in the soft moonlight.

"She was a great cat with an amazing story." He whispered to the black se-cat, sorrow lacing his irises as he glanced at the body of the former deputy. Brokenpaw hated seeing her best friend so hurt. He looks so fragile...

"I know. The elders were telling me how she tagged along on the journey to the sun-drown place." She replied, moving forward in the line as each cats finished their final words. When she reached the body of Squirrelflight, Brokenpaw crouched down and buried her face into the cold, ginger shoulder.

"May StarClan light your path, Squirrelflight. You were a brave warrior." The black apprentice murmured almost inaudibly, trying to drink in the scent of the she-cat, but all she could smell was herbs.

"Beware, Brokenpaw..."

A small voice eminated from somewhere in the atmosphere, making Brokenpaw's fur stand on end. Her eyes flew open and she glanced around vividly, but no one was looking at her, only at their paws sorrowfully. Who said that? She said inwardly, glancing around the clearing until she finally locked onto a hauntingly familiar silhouette on the far side of the camp clearing. Bloodpaw.

"My brother..." Brokenpaw gasped quietly, her one blue eye and one red eye stretching wide is dismay. Starlight clung to his dark tabby pelt as he sat in the shadows, his crimson eyes sparkling with an unknown wisdom as he stared his sister down.

"Beware, Brokenpaw... For some things aren't as they seem..." His voice melted into the air as he spoke, echoing in nothingness. Brokenpaw gaped wonderously, her heart racing faster than a rabbit could run.

"Are you done, Broken?" Frigidpaw's gentle purr made the black she-cat jolt back to reality, looking up at the handsome tom-cat. She hesitantly nodded, then moved out of the way and back to where her brother sat, but he had vanished.

What in the name of StarClan does he mean? Brokenpaw pondered through her mind, becoming so absorbed that she didn't realize that Wolfpaw had approached her and started speaking. He prodded her shoulder to grab her attention, and she flinched at the unexpected touch.

"You're so jumpy!" He purred in amusement, his sky-blue eyes twinkling in the darkness. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a walk with me? Frigidpaw can come too." The small black and white tom offered humbily to his sister, glancing at the dark-striped apprentice as he trotted toward them. Was that jealousy in his eyes? Brokenpaw squinted and studied her brother's eyes more closely, but the emotion was already gone in a heart beat. No, that's impossible. Why would Wolfpaw be jealous of Frigidpaw?

"No thanks, Wolfpaw. I'm extremely tired. I'm gunna go straight to my nest. I've had a long day." Brokenpaw apologized to her littermate, nodding to Frigidpaw as she slipped past them and to the apprentices' den. She couldn't get Bloodpaw's warning out of her head. It was eating her alive.

The black apprentice slipped into her den and found her nest, curling up in it snugly. Her fluffy tail-tip hid her face as she lay there for a while and thought about everything. The badger attack. Her hideous wound. Squirrelflight's death. Bloodpaw's warning. Wolfpaw's strange look toward Frigidpaw.

Something isn't right. Brokenpaw thought fearfully as she scrolled back to the day of Bloodpaw's death. Why had Wolfpaw been around at both murders? It's just a coincidence. He must have bad luck just like I do. She concluded, thinking about the scarred left side of her face and her new red eye. Sol had obviously killed her older brother. But why wouldn't those WindClan cats have killed Wolfpaw too to get rid of witnesses? We'll find out tomorrow when we get our revenge.

Brokenpaw was so self-absorbed that she barely felt Frigidpaw settle down in his nest beside her. He was soon sound asleep. Brokenpaw still couldn't shake the feeling of something being... Off.

Whatever it is, StarClan forbid it involves any more death...

--- Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed even though it kinda isn't as long as I wanted it to be. Please stick around because the next chapter is the attack on WindClan! It's gunna be exciting!(:

Thanks for reading, guys! I love my fans! <3

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