Chapter 17

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Crickets chirped monotonously as careful pawsteps scuffed against the lush green grass. Stars glittered coldly in the midnight sky as frost threatened to paint the foliage. Leaf-Bare would be on it's way soon, but that wouldn't stop Wolfstorm. He felt invincible with each life he took off this earth. Not even Brokengaze could stop him.

I'll make her regret she ever kicked me out of her life! He released a growl as he stalked through the perpetual darkness that clung to the moorland.

Tall twoleg nests loomed in the distance as Wolfstorm creeped forward stealthly, his icy blue eyes glistening eerily in the isolating black. The scent of other cats wafted against his flaring nostrils, making his translucent whiskers vibrate eagerly. Brokengaze will pay...

The skinny black and white tom slinked toward the twoleg nests, his tail branching out behind him, giving him his graceful balance. He soon reached the familiar hole in the barn wall and slipped through noiselessly, glancing around hungrily with narrowed oculars. The scent of mice drowned out all other smells, but movement caught Wolfstorm's eye as a muscular cream tabby tom stepped out from the stacked hay-blocks. The tom's eyes flashed dark blue as he trotted toward Wolfstorm swiftly.

"Wolfpaw! You're finally back!" The cream cat mrrowed in dark excitement, shadiness covering his facial expression as he grinned. Wolfstorm scowled in distaste, baring his yellow fangs.

"It's Wolfstorm, now, Trevor. You're such a twit!" The menacing rogue spat, shoving the barn cat aside. Wolfstorm sniffed the air tentively, glaring over his shoulder at the trembling cream tom-cat. "Where's the rest of you?" He demanded sharply. Trevor shuffled his paws and stared at the barn floor, not looking at the murderous feral cat.

"They're out hunting for squirrels. It's the only thing Becka will eat now that she's kitted." Trevor responded shakily, wrapping his tail neatly around his creamy paws. Wolfstorm pricked his ears in interest.

"Becka finally gave birth? How many kits?"

"Three." A feminine voice chirped from the opposite side of the barn and Wolfstorm whipped around to she the tabby queen, her tiny bundles of fur stumbling around in front of her. Becka pointed at each kit as Wolfstorm and Trevor approached her briskly with curiousity.

"This is Crumpet," Becka meowed, pointing to a golden-yellow tabby tom with glittering amber eyes. "This is Thule," The mother gestured to a fluffy white she-kit with bright green eyes. "And this is Skunk." She finished, purring at a gold and white tabby tom with pale green eyes. Wolfstorm nodded curtly, tilting his head ever-so slightly.

"They'll make great recruits for StormClan." The black and white tom rumbled in approval, his ears twitching at the sound of more paw steps closing in on them. Wolfstorm turned over his shoulder and saw 6 cats entering the barn, all carrying fresh-kill. They immediately dropped their catches at the sight of Wolfstorm and they dropped to the ground, bowing low in deep respect toward the skinny tom.

"Get up!" Wolfstorm curled his lip in disgust, leaping up onto a tall hay-block, clearing his throat loudly. "Cats of StormClan, it is time to unite once and for all. We have some work to do!" The black and white tom gazed down devilishly at the cats below him.

"Trevor, as promised you will be my deputy. But you all must be given proper warrior names in order to be in my clan." Wolfstorm paced back and forth on the giant hay-block, careful not to stab his paw pads with the thick straw. Trevor stepped forward and dipped his head in agreement, waiting for his leader to continue.

Who needs a ceremony! StarClan is weak, I can name them myself! Wolfstorm paused and flexed his claws lethally. "Trevor your new name is Milkripple." The cream tabby tom listened to the other cats chant his name in approval, then Wolfstorm continued. "Thyra, you are going to be my medicine cat. You're new name shall be Kindleflame." He ordered a ginger tabby she-cat with ambery-orange irises. She bowed her head like Milkripple had, shifting over next to his flank.

Wolfstorm continued naming an positioning each cat precisely, predicting how much use they would be with getting his revenge on his sister.

Wolfstorm was leader.

Milkripple was deputy.

Kindleflame was medicine cat.

The warriors consisted of Ravenblood and Ripfang.

The apprentices consisted of Coldpaw and Otterpaw.

Then Becka was now Lilacfeather, with her three kits, Tigerkit, Glacierkit and Sapkit.

"I know there are more rogue cats out there! Bring them to me! We must make StormClan strong! Tonight, I shall go to my ancestors and receive my nine lives and my leader name!" Wolfstorm snapped, glowering at Ravenblood and Ripfang. The two "warriors" started in surprise and fear, then they whipped around and exited the barn. Kindleflame stepped toward her leader as he jumped down from the hay-block.

"I belive I gotta take you to that place.." She trailed off ignorantly, making Wolfstorm roll his eyes irritably.

"The MoonPool you mouse-brain! Now let's get going!" He hissed impatiently, putting Milkripple in charge before leaving the warm barn. Cold Leaf-Fall night air hugged the two cats as they made their way to MoonPool. Wolfstorm grinned wickedly wider and wider with every proud paw step. His ice-blue eyes gleamed a hellish glow as his thoughts captivated him in blood-lust. He could barely contain himself from releasing a wild bout of laughter.

Just wait, Brokengaze... Soon you'll be MINE!

--- Sorry it was short, guys! I thought I'd give you a glimpse into Wolfstorm's point of view! He's so selfish and demanding! Stick around for the next chapter guys! Please vote! Please spread the word! I'm hanging in there after getting my wisdom teeth cut out! I'll try my best to keep typing!

I'm also making a new book cover by hand! It'll be up soon! I love ya guys!(: <3

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