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The sun was resting on the horizon as the black queen strode through the dimly lit forest, guiding her three restless kits briskly into the perpetual depths of the looming pine trees. Time seemed to slip away as the black she-cat hurried her kits along. Fear rolled off of her glossy pelt with each pawstep she took, her breathing shaky and shallow. Her kits thought nothing of their mother, loping over branches and small stones as if it were a game.

There was a disstressed yowl in the distance, causing the mother to bristle in alarm, her green eyes stretching wide. He's coming! Great StarClan, save my kits! She prayed silently, frantically looking for a hiding place.

"Alright my little ones, we're going to play a game. It's called hide and seek." The black she-cat murmured softly to the three kits, trying desperately to hide her terror. The kits jumped in excitement, mewling in delight at the chance to play with their mother. She hushed them and whispered, "We have to be quiet. Now, you three go hide in the same spot, and I'll come find you! But make sure you stay hidden until I find you, no matter what. Even if you hear noises, you cannot come out. Do you understand?" She explained firmly and waited till her kits had agreed with her, their little tails curled up in joy.

"Alright, I'll count to ten, and you all go hide. Remember what I said! I love you!" She concluded, and she turned her back on them, her heart hollowing as she heard them tromp away into the darkening forest. Always remember that I love you three... She closed her eyes and bowed her head in utter grief. That was when she heard him approach from the opposite direction her kits had left.

"Where are they, Poisonpetal?" The deep rumble of the broad, dark tabby tom cut through the air from the shadows, allowing horror to grip the mothers' heart once more. She narrowed her eyes defiantly as she looked up into piercing amber eyes that glowered back at her.

"Where is what, Raptorfang?" She tested her ex-mate lethally, holding her petite head up high in determination. She barely winced when the aggressive tom flashed his yellow fangs, lashing his kinked tail angrily.

"The kits, you stupid she-cat!" Raptorfang snarled with ice in his tone, his sharp claws digging into the cool earth. "Where are they?! Blackstar wants them dead!" He pressed, his rage quickly building with every second.

Poisonpetal grimaced, rising to her paws and slicing her tail to and fro behind her haunches.

"They are somewhere far away from you, Blackstar and all of ShadowClan! You will never have them!" Poisonpetal spat ferociously, her fluffy black pelt puffed from adrenaline. She arched her back and resumed a very defensive position, her growl silencing the twilight crickets and their lullabies.

Raptorfang scowled and took a pawstep toward the she-cat. "Well then, if you won't give up the kits, then I'll just take you instead!" He yowled in outrage and blood-lust, taking a mighty leap toward Poisonpetal's throat.

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