Star Trek Voyager: The Gift 45. Reunited, For Better or Worse

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“Is everyone here?” Chakotay asked the fragments of his bedraggled, traumatised crew, all of them huddled against the back door of the barn they’d found, disguised behind hay bales. When none of his people immediately answered, his patience, already worn down to the bone by the incomprehensible but palpable danger they found themselves in, began to snap. “I asked for a headcount!” he barked out harshly, as loudly as he dared.

“Done Chakotay.” Tuvok reported as the small crowd parted to let the Vulcan join their leader. “All of the Valjean crew are here, excepting B’Elanna Torres and Seven of Nine. They are unaccounted for.”

It was a partial confirmation of what he’d feared since he’d woken, what he’d intuitively known since he’d woken here with Seven’s screams, a sound he’d never before heard from his disturbingly resilient companion before but recognised instantly, ringing hauntingly through his mind. Still, hearing it from someone else was like a punch deep into his gut, his whole body tensing at the impact. Seeing the older man’s watchful eyes on him, Chakotay forced himself to reply, “Keep searching for B’Elanna, we were all beamed into this place in different locations…”

“And Seven? You do not wish to search for her?” Tuvok prompted, his surprise at him evident even through his impassive Vulcan mask.

“Of course I…” Chakotay started to snap irately before his throat constricted to the point where the words couldn’t escape his lips. He heaved a deep breath as he felt his knees begin to shake beneath him, and that steadying action was enough to allow him to look Tuvok in the eye. “I…I think I remember her being taken away.” He admitted, “She’s not here…” His voice caught and he heard Rhianna give an emphatic gasp behind him. “What is it Rhianna?” he asked sharply, guilt nipping at him as the young woman stared at him with saddened, huge eyes, nervously clutching her tail.

“I remember too Chakotay. When we were being…” She gulped, “…experimented on, I remember that I was close to you and Seven. She was talking to the aliens, the Ocampa she called them, and then…then you started to shout and cry for them to give her back…” Several people around them, their brows furrowed as they too tried to recall details from the obscured memories of their previous captivity, began to nod cautiously in agreement, eyeing Chakotay warily. Rhianna’s eyes dropped away from Chakotay’s remorsefully, “I didn’t tell you earlier because I thought you’d be upset Chakotay…”

Chakotay felt his jaw lock. No kidding, of course I’m upset! He thought bitterly, but then his eyes swept over the tens of pale, terrified faces who relied on him to take responsibility and restrained himself to a sigh. “The only thing we can do for Seven right now, and B’Elanna too if we can’t find her, is get out of here and find out what the hell has happened to us.”

“I think we all agree with that Chakotay.” Seska remarked coolly, appearing distinctly unimpressed, “But how exactly are we supposed to do that with all those human holograms stalking us around this ‘farm’ of theirs?”

“Those holograms haven’t harmed us yet.” Chell pointed out optimistically, “In fact they seem friendly, offering us food and drink…”

“Cookies and lemonade.” Seska cut in drily, “I remember Chell. I hope you didn’t happen to take them up on those offers, everyone knows sweet treats like that are best for disguising the taste of poison…”

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