Star Trek Voyager: The Gift 30. Fractures and Clean Breaks

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The irate Andorian’s vice like grip tightened further around Dalton’s throat as the human struggled fruitlessly. “Emar, how…nice to see you again.” Dalton choked out hoarsely, “I was just on my way to see you about our wager…”

“Wager?” Seven echoed incredulously, shaking off her initial shock. “This is about gambling?”

“What else?” Emar the Andorian growled at her, twisting his fist into the soft muscle tissue surrounding Dalton’s spine, causing him to groan as he tried to explain.

“Isn’t my entire business based around gambling sweetheart?” He told Seven with a wry, but pained grin. “It’s your own fault Emar. The Ferengi running that dabo table fleeced you twice as much as I did…”

Emar spat on the floor at the mention of said Ferengi before kicking Dalton’s knees out from under him. “Well he’s not here right now. You are and I need my money you pale faced swindler!”

Tuvok cast a furtive glance around them, quickly deciding that this low-rent brawl was drawing them too much attention. “How much does Dalton owe you Mr Emar?” he asked in a remarkably disinterested tone as he stepped smoothly forward.

Emar paused, evaluating Tuvok so slowly that Seven was aware of every tense hair that rose on her neck. “Three bars.” He eventually grunted.

“I will provide you with fifteen slips of latinum if you release him now.” Tuvok offered coolly.

“Are you crazed with Pon Farr Vulcan?” Emar asked with a bitter chuckle. “That’s not even a third of what he owes me…”

Tuvok met his heated gaze with his own steely eyes. “If you decline my offer and kill him, you will get no latinum whatsoever. However, if you accept you will receive my fifteen slips. Logic dictates that acceptance is the better option.”

Emar’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully, “What do you want him for so much anyway?”

“We require him and are willing to compensate you. That is all that should be relevant to you.” Seven answered icily, sensing that they were gaining the upper hand.

The Andorian seemed to consider that for a moment before extending a grubby hand out to Tuvok, “Well compensate me then Vulcan.”

Tuvok’s brows lifted ever so slightly in a sign of distaste as he methodically counted the slips out onto Emar’s hand. “Release him.”

Closing his hand greedily around the golden pieces, Emar allowed Dalton to drop to the floor. “Until next time human.” He laughed in satisfaction before retreating out of sight.

Dalton gave his saviours an apologetic shrug as he stood up and shook himself off. “Sorry about that, it happens very rarely, honest. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Chakotay about that little mishap…”

“We won’t, since unfortunately we do require you to guide us to Bothran III.” Seven replied coldly, breathing a regretful sigh as they turned hurriedly back through the crowd in the direction of the shuttle.

“Seven is correct. Deception is logical under the circumstances.” Tuvok agreed, though he didn’t exactly sound happy about it.”

“Well…” Dalton started with a heavy sigh of relief, trying to lighten the mood, “I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be happy with a Borg and a Vulcan backing me up, but you two have proved me wrong.”

Chakotay was waiting for them on the Valjean’s Bridge when they returned, quickly moving his attention away from instructing Chell on how to play his Bolian freighter Captain role this time. “How did it go?” he asked, his tone brisk to hide his anxiety.

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