Star Trek Voyager: The Gift 26. New Year, Same Feelings

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Chakotay looked the men and women he considered as the senior officers of the Valjean directly in the eye as he informed them with a heavy sigh, “We’ve been assigned another grocery run.” Several groans echoed around the cramped Briefing Room. To his displeasure Seska’s was particularly loud and he avoided her gaze as he continued, instead focusing in on the comfortingly stoic faces of Seven and Tuvok, “None of us should complain, taking supplies to the refugee camps is the most important task the Maquis has, they’d starve without us.”

Logan Pullman had the grace to appear contrite, “We know that Chakotay, but the more we actually try to fight the Cardassians the more likely it is that those refugees can go home.”

“I can’t argue with that sentiment.” Chakotay answered calmly as he watched the others nod in vigorous agreement, although Seven’s response was muted. She’d privately advised him that if the Cardassians were ever forced from their newly acquired colonies they’d probably do their best to leave them uninhabitable. Chakotay didn’t doubt her veracity, her Borg insights were generally depressingly accurate, but his brain skirted around the possibility, he and his crew needed hope. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t honour our duty to the refugees, understood?”

There was a guilty, resigned silence in the room for a moment before B’Elanna broke it in a business like tone, “What are we carrying and which route are we taking?”

Chakotay smiled briefly at her in gratitude. “We’re taking food and clothing to the camp on Bothran III; they’re in for a harsh winter out there.”

“What about medical supplies?” Celes asked anxiously. Having spent most of her life being shunted from refugee camp to refugee camp on Bajor, she knew what would be prioritised by the displaced families.

“Not much this time.” Chakotay replied, his voice thick with regret, “Only a couple of boxes of vaccinations, the dermal regenerators and such were redirected to Calos VI after that firebombing incident last month.”

Even Seven couldn’t hold back a grimace at the memory. The Cardassians had suspected the people of Calos VI of hiding several Maquis units in their homes and when they hadn’t gotten the answers they’d wanted they’d strafe bombed several abandoned buildings to smoke out their foe, unfortunately the wind had let the fire spread to the planet’s main town… She feared the smell of burning flesh would be scarred into her mind for life. “The flight plan for Bothran III means we will have to pass through the Terok Din checkpoint.” She pointed out.

“Well, if I had to go through any Cardassian checkpoint that’s the one I’d choose.” Seska muttered with a sigh, “It’s so quiet there the guards on duty are nearly always green conscripts. They’d probably turn a blind eye for a few good bottles of kanar.” She snorted derisively.

Chakotay grinned wryly, “What do you think we’re hiding our real cargo with? As far as the Cardassians are concerned we’re a Bolian trade freighter heavy with vintage kanar and ripe Tarkealian sugar melons.”

Chell glanced at Chakotay nervously, “Does this mean I have to play Captain again Chakotay?”

Chakotay nodded sympathetically, “You’ll do fine.”

Tuvok spoke up as Chell agreed to his role with a little more confidence. “Certainly, Terok Din is not the most heavily fortified of Cardassian installations, but it would be illogical and dangerous to let down our guard.”

Chakotay looked over at the older man respectfully, his face serious. “Letting down our guard is the last thing we’re going to do.” He assured the Vulcan as his gaze skimmed over everyone else to confirm the sentiment. “Alright…” He started with a heavy sigh, “That’s all for tonight, you’re dismissed.”

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