Star Trek Voyager: The Gift 20. (Not) Tolerating Accusations

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“This is it?” Seska asked softly as the group of five consisting of Chakotay, Seven, B’Elanna, Seska and Hogan paused in their trek through the desert in front of an ageing, battered, and solitary vessel. “And I was under the belief that I was joining the Maquis fleet.” She remarked drily, scanning every inch of the ship with an expert eye in order to commit it to memory.

Chakotay chuckled under his breath, fighting the unfamiliar heat of embarrassment as he looked between the Valjean, the condition of which he’d been proud of until minutes before, and the haughty beauty that was Seska. “Don’t worry; there are plenty of us, just not here…”

“Thankfully. Even the Valjean being here is an inefficient use of the Maquis’ resources.” Seven interjected impatiently, striding off towards the Valjean’s entrance hatch before Chakotay could reprimand her rudeness. B’Elanna couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows in surprise when the strange woman, whose species she still couldn’t identify because of the sinister protection of the cloak, managed to open the obviously stiff hatch single-handedly without much apparent effort. She must be Vulcan, B’Elanna decided, only the species known by Klingons as “pointy eared mice” could be that strong and that icy at the same time, but instinctive unease still settled in her gut even after that conclusion.

Chakotay, noticing B’Elanna’s suspicious frown cast in Seven’s direction, hurriedly cleared his throat. It would be better to get them fully on board, both literally and figuratively, before revealing Seven’s origins. “So, what do you think of your new ship Torres?”

“Plenty.” B’Elanna retorted with a smirk, “I’ve seen Klingon garbage haulers in better condition…” She teased, eyes twinkling at her old friend and one time Academy crush. “But I think I’ll be able to work with it, all I can say is that you’re lucky to have me.”

“We certainly are.” Chakotay replied, his tone light and in keeping with hers but his eyes serious. “Ready to get started?”

Seska answered for both of them, already strutting confidently down the path Seven and Lucky had cleared, “Definitely Commander, I was getting a little worried there that you were going to indulge in that horrible Cardassian habit of using your ship to get women.” Her voice was so husky with innuendo that a stronger man that Chakotay would’ve blushed, but as it was he managed to control the urge by being the first to follow Seven into the Valjean.

“So what are the new recruits like Seven?” Chell asked, practically bouncing in his seat with excitement as the ex-drone walked into the Bridge with Lucky padding along at her side.

Seven swiftly lowered her hood, brushing errant particles of sand from her hair as she did so before meeting the Bolian’s gaze coolly, “Unimpressive.” She replied quickly, tight-lipped.

“They can’t be that bad Seven.” Celes said in exasperation, just to see Seven’s eyes narrow in reply. Trying to lighten the mood, she jokingly asked, “Come on, at least one of the new guys has to be good looking!”

“Don’t you get enough fun out of ogling Chakotay and Logan as it is Celes?” Ayala queried with a grin, “Not to mention us two here.” He indicated himself and Chell with a wink, causing Celes to laugh and wave a tricorder threateningly in his direction.

Seven sighed slightly at her crewmates’ near constant preoccupation with teasing while mulling over whether Gabriel Hogan could be categorised as “good looking”. Since she had barely glanced at him, she settled for a small shrug. “Two of them are women. As for the man…”

Both Chell and Ayala perked up their ears at the first part of her answer. “Who cares about the man? I’d like to meet a female engineer…” Chell began eagerly with a glint in his eye before a laugh from the doorway interrupted him.

“You’re going to Chell, don’t worry.” Chakotay said in amusement as B’Elanna stifled her incredulous laugh beside him. “This is our new team of engineers, B’Elanna Torres, Seska and Gabriel Hogan…” He stopped as he heard all three of his new crewmembers gasp in horror.

“She…She’s Borg!” B’Elanna choked out in disbelief as she stared at the woman Chakotay had called Seven, who not only had unmistakeable metal scarring her face but who even more damningly didn’t even flinch at the accusation.

Even the normally unflappable Seska stiffened in shock beside her. “How is that even possible?” she questioned tersely, although the evidence that it was possible stood before her as a mutilated half-human. Her mind frantically began to work through all the intelligence she’d ever been privy to about the existence of…freelance drones but came up with nothing.

“Who gives a damn…” Hogan choked out as he stepped out, pale faced and grim, his hand shaking with fear as he began to extract a small phaser from a holster hidden under his coat.

Chakotay was there before he had a chance to lift the weapon to the level of Seven’s knees, seizing the other man’s wrist in a powerfully crushing grip. “Don’t.” He commanded sharply, eyes blazing with fire as he eased the phaser out of Hogan’s hand and handed it to Ayala. “I realise that this is a shock for you, all of you, but Seven is as much a member of the crew as any of you and I won’t have her threatened or hurt in anyway, is that understood?” He explained with an eerie calm, his frame relaxing as Hogan nodded.

“I understand, sir.” He answered shakily, gulping as he met Seven’s gaze, who stepped forward slowly, letting soft honesty into her tone as she looked at him sympathetically.

“I have been liberated from the Collective for four years. I will not harm you or any of my crewmates.” She told him as kindly as she could, but it was still awkward for her to explain her situation, normally Chakotay, even the diplomat, introduced her to new crewmembers in a more stable situation.

B’Elanna snorted incredulously, “Once a Borg, always a Borg!” she spat out with all the Klingon venom she could summon before glaring angrily at Chakotay, “How could you deal with her? She has assimilated people for Kahless’ sake…”

Seven now shifted her attention to the half-Klingon, agitated by her attack on Chakotay. “If you wish to accuse me of something, address me, not Chakotay.”

“Fine…” B’Elanna began to fume in retort but froze as she was met with the Borg’s icy gaze, a primeval fear prickling her gut that just made her angrier, she hated showing weakness and she wasn’t going to let Seven see it. “If the Maquis are willing to take the risk of carrying a murderous drone just to kill a few more murdering Cardassians then I suppose I’m all for it.” She muttered sarcastically.

Seven’s gut twisted in revulsion at the thought of being put on the same level as the Cardassians and her fists clenched in outrage. “I suppose if that’s the case then you’ll just need to hope I only show the Cardassians my murderous tendencies!” she threw back.

Her voice was more heated with anger and hurt than she’d intended it to be, and guilt prickled in her heart when she heard Chakotay say in gentle warning, “Seven…” It wasn’t normally like this, she’d always heeded Kolopak’s advice when someone was hateful towards her, to deflect it with calm and understanding until they understood, but this time she’d been unable to control herself. A large part of her wanted these two women, both the volatile Klingon and the untrustworthy Bajoran who’d watched the argument with an almost amused look on her face, to be wary of her. If she had to tolerate Chakotay’s displeasure in order for them to leave then so be it.

A/n: Ugh, this chapter was so hard to write! I hope it wasn’t too bad. PLEASE REVIEW! :D

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