(30) Hazel

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The next morning, Marley strode across the wraparound porch of the mess hall at five am, yawning and simultaneously putting her coffee brown hair up in a messy ponytail. She was dressed in what the head cook requested, dark pants, dark shoes and a plain t-shirt that she didn't mind getting ruined.

She rubbed the misting under her hazel eyes that usually came along with waking up early, shoving at the swinging back screen door with her hip and entering the main kitchen area.

It was all stainless steel and black floor tiles, large, gleaming prep counters and industrial kitchen appliances whirring and humming in the silence. There were three large, connected sinks with a hanging spray hose being operated by an attractive, muscled guy wearing a wife beater, his back turned and his hair a dark blonde disarray on top of his head. He had a sleeve of colourful tattoos stretching from his right wrist to his shoulder, had a white towel hung over his left shoulder, and was humming to himself.

Marley stood there nervously, digging the toe of her converse in the tile and wondering how to introduce herself.

"You must be Marley."

She jolted, her cheeks turning pink in humiliation as the guy turned around, appraising her and looking surprised by something.

"Um, yeah. It's nice to meet you." she scrambled to get in front of him, remembering employee politeness and holding out her hand.

He had been cleaning the inside of the sink, so he wiped his hand on his white towel before shaking her hand, amusement dancing in his eyes - which were a honey colour. Marley assumed he was in his early twenties or younger.

"I'm Dean, and I'm not the kitchen manager but I'm in charge of the part time staff such as yourself. Follow me." he turned on his heel and led the way down the narrow hallway to the far left, another metal door with a round window built in, swinging it open to reveal a staff room. It had a small kitchenette area and a couple rows of lockers.

Dean opened a drawer in the kitchen area and revealed a black apron and a key, handing them over to her, "It says the locker number on the side of the key, and the apron is your uniform. Your clothes now are the typical attire, but the apron is mandatory. You want to make a good first impression hazel, you wear the apron every time and don't forget it."

She blinked in surprise at the nickname, but didn't speak on it, nodding her head and putting the key between her teeth to tie it around her waist.

Dean leaned back against the counter by the sink, crossing his arms and watching her with his head tilted. Amusement, again. Something about her seemed to throw him off. But she wouldn't speak unless it was on a professional level and if she was asked.

"Kitchen experience?" He asked when she shoved the key into the front of her apron.

"I've been at a university library since I could legally work, but I'm a hard worker and a fast learner."

"I don't doubt it." he grinned, before turning back towards the doors.

"On dinner service you'll be on dish duty with Eve, she's only two years older than you and she's a good person to show you the ropes. You're working Saturday mornings as well - 5:00am - 9:00am - so you'll do breakfast service then, as it doesn't interfere with your schooling. Four hours a day three days a week on school days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Two hours this morning - 5:00am - 7:00am. And two tonight - 6:30pm - 8:30pm. Make sense hazel?"

"Um yes. Absolutely," she stammered following him as he walked back down through the main kitchen.

In the time that they were in the back, about five staff members, middle aged women, had all made their way inside and all smiled and greeted Marley kindly.

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