40. bento

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The once sociable and talkative Dea became quite shy when her siblings came home. She doted on them like anything when they were at home, volunteering to give the diapers when they needed changing or helping Meng cover up when they fed. But once they stepped out of the house and interacted with people, Dea would either become restless and fussy or hide behind Melay or Rj.

"She's showing a little jealously with the presence of the twins. She's gotten used to being the center of attention for a long time so she's somehow looking for that but at the same time..." the pediatrician explained.

"What can we do? We don't ignore her, that's for sure." Rj said.

"No, don't. Don't do anything different. Talk to her and explain to her that the twins need and get just as much attention from everyone as she does. "

"Ahtay, why are you in shoes?" Dea asked one early Saturday morning.

"We're going to have a Tuhtay and Dea day..." Rj explained.

"Ahtay and Dea day?"

"Yup! Go get dressed and I'll wait for you...think of what you want to do today..."

"Wow! I want...I want...I want ice cream, and slide, and mall, and doll, and..."

"Go take a shower and get dressed..." Rj chuckled as he nodded at Dea who excitedly skipped to her bedroom.

"Mama! I'm having an Ahtay and Dea day today!" Dea said as she passed by the master's bedroom where Meng was feeding the twins.

"Yes, you are. Be good at listen ka kay Tatay ha?"

"Why Mama? You're not kasama? How about Chuckie and ChiChi?"

"Hindi rin. Kayo lang ni Tatay ang lalabas..."

"Oh..." Dea paused and slowly walked to her room to prepare.

A few minutes later, she ran down the hall. "Ahtay! I'm ready!"


"...I have my backpack with extra damit, diaper, wipes, and water..." Dea said as she turned to show her backpack on her back.

"Wow!" Rj exclaimed. "Why don't we say goodbye to Mama and the twins first..." Rj invited Dea to the bedroom so they could say goodbye.

"Bye Mama...I'll miss you! I love you! Bye Chuckie...Bye ChiChi..." Dea ran into the bedroom and hugged Meng. She then went close to the bed where the twins laid. Dea squeezed Chuckie's foot which caused him to squeal; she gently patted ChiChi's arm.

"Okay...have fun!" Meng said after Rj kissed her on the lips.

"So, where do you want to go?" Rj said as he and Dea got into their car.

"I want ice cream! And slide! And...and..." Dea squealed in delight as she imagined the fun day she was going to spend with her Dad.

They spent a few hours at an indoor playground. Dea had fun playing in the giant slides especially when Rj accompanied her to the top and slid down with her. They played in the arcade, too. When it came to claiming her prizes, Dea always chose two small toys which Rj found quite odd at the beginning.

"Why two?"

"For Chuckie and ChiChi..."

"How about for you?"

"Hmm...I have na...at home..." Dea replied. Whatever Rj chose or said that he was going to buy for her, Dea always included the twins.

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