14. deglaze

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The rains poured heavily outside and flooding had been reported in many parts of the city. Nanay, Tatay, and Dino had all gone home to the province to take care of some family concerns and Meng stayed in the city because Richard had enrolled her in some culinary courses to further enhance her skills.

It was still dark outside when Richard awoke. He reached for his phone and immediately saw messages from Eric and Mio, his staff, concerning their office. The rest of his household staff was still asleep so he left a note saying that he was going to the office.

Richard made it to the office an hour later and found some of his staff clearing desks and moving furniture.

"What happened?"

"Sir, there are cracks on the sunroof..." Mio said. There was a bucket under one portion of the sunroof and a puddle nearby.

"...and the drain in the balcony is blocked...there is some flooding and the water is coming in..." Eric pointed to the door at the side where the office had a balcony and lounge area. More water was on the floor.

"How are the electricals?" Richard asked.

"Most of the machines were unplugged when we got here..."

"Ok, that's good...let's try to move the computers to the loft, away from this floor. Ask Kim and Emma to call the other offices to check if they have problems, too. Ask Sonny to bring in more maintenance people to help us clean up. Send messages to those who aren't here yet not to come in anymore. Hopefully tomorrow, the weather will be better..." Richard ordered.

"Yes, sir..." Mio and Eric replied and moved to inform the other staff who were in the office with them.

They all began working. The men moved bigger furniture and computers around while the ladies wiped tables and made calls. Everyone, including Richard worked.

Luis and Jessie followed and found Richard in the middle of the office with his pants folded up and walking barefoot, scooping water with a dustpan. Just then, Larry, one of the maintenance people came near the glass wall dividing the office from the balcony. He was holding a rolled up t-shirt and some candy wrappers and cigarette butts.

"....Kuya Larry says he found those in the drainage in the balcony..." Mio reported. He was wet with perspiration and rain water.

"So that's what caused the flooding..." Richard said looking exasperated.

"Yes, sir. The water is slowly going down now..." Mio pointed out.

"...let's check the other drains if they're clogged as well..." Richard gave his dustpan to Luis who had begun helping in scooping water from the inside of the office. Jessie helped carry some more furniture. Richard, walked out to the balcony where the strong wind gusts blew rain water toward the people who were working there. He personally inspected the drainage access and instructed Sonny, Larry, and the maintenance crew what he wanted them to do. "...check the toilets and other drainage as well..." Richard said as he walked back inside the office with Mio and Eric.

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