8. chicharon

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"Tay, kakain na po tayo..." Meng called out to Tatay who was in the garage.

Tatay entered the house, washed his hands and ate in silence.

"Goodnight Nay...si Tatay?" Meng said as she prepared to go to bed.

"Kanina pa tulog..."

"Ah okay po...goodnight..."


"Galit ba si Tatay sa akin?" Meng asked Dino who slept beside her in their bedroom.

"Ewan. Baka pagod lang. Or nag-iisip lang kasi alam mo naman, katapusan na ng buwan, madami na naman sigurong babayaran..."

"Haay..." Meng sighed and turned away to sleep.

Early the next morning, they loaded up Tatay's jeep with the food they were going to prepare and sell at the cafeteria. Meng usually sat in the front with Tatay but today, he asked that Dino sit with him while Nanay and Meng sat at the back.

The whole time they travelled and unloaded the jeep up to bringing up the supplies to the cafeteria, Tatay did not speak to Meng.

"Thank you po Tay...see you later..." Meng said as she paid her respect and kissed Tatay goodbye. Tatay gave his hand as Meng touched it to her forehead and hugged her quickly.

Meng wondered why Tatay was being cold toward her. She thought that maybe Dino was right since it was nearing the end of the month and bills were arriving.

Tatay's 'cold shoulder' treatment lasted for days and Meng just kept all her thoughts to herself. When she thought to ask Dino or Nanay, she decided against it and just kept quiet.

Tisoy soon discovered this 'different' and 'new' behaviour of Menggay. They had just started dating and were still keeping their relationship under wraps especially from the people in the building. It was only Meng's family and Richard's household staff who knew about their relationship.

"What's wrong? What's bothering you?" Tisoy asked the following Saturday, almost two weeks after Tatay and Meng barely spoke to each other.


"No. There's something bothering you. You're not always this quiet" Tisoy said as he put his arm around Meng while they sat in a secluded corner of a coffee shop outside the city. Since they started dating and going out, they would normally go to secluded, faraway places and made sure that no one familiar saw them in these 'secret' rendezvous. Luis and Jessie were now not only body guards but lookouts as well.

"...si Tatay kasi..."

"What about Tatay? Is he upset that I wasn't able to visit last Sunday? You told him that I had a business trip out of town, didn't you?"

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