Chapter 19

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~Ashton's POV~

•time skip weekend•


Ew, it's Monday yet again and you know what that means?

It's Monday again.

So everything is cleared up but I'm still questioning if I should get revenge on Skylar. I mean is revenge the answer?

Trick question, because yes, revenge is always the answer ladies and gentlemen.

Yes, don't kill me I know it's wrong but who the heck cares?! I think we all want revenge on her, amirite ladies?

I think to myself of what to do as I walk up to my school.

"asHTON HELP." I turn around seeing a very familiar blonde boy run to me with two other boys falling behind him.

Really you guys we aren't in kindergarten this isn't tag.

"You're all so stupid, I love you guys." I laughed seeing Calum and Michael trying to catch their breath.

"You guys sound like you just had sex." Luke wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hey Luke?" Michael asked.


"Shut up."

"Well." He scoffed.

"Come on guys let's get to class." Calum rolled his eyes and we were off.

The day went surprisingly slow and the pain was real I tell you. Finally lunch rolled around and I swear I don't think I've ever been that happy like zayum. (You know besides being with Lucas but you know what I mean okay? Okay.)

Pulling out a sandwich, I remembered that I need to tell the boys about my revenge on Skylar. Speaking of 'the boys' where are they?

"Hi Ashton! Can I sit here?" Niall looked down at the seat next to me.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. "You seem oddly happier today. What's up?"

"I haven't seen Zayn or Harry at all today! I don't know where they are but since they aren't here that means I don't have to follow them around. They usually meet up with me at lunch but they haven't yet soooo." He smiled taking out a granola bar.

"That's good! I'm happy you've escaped from them for a day."

"Me too." He said as we both ate. "Hey where um, are the other boys?" He asked curiously.

"That's a good question that I would like to know the answer to." I looked down at my lap.

Seconds later we hear talking and laughing coming our way and of course it was Luke, Calum, and Michael.

"Where have you guys been?!" I exclaimed, lunch is almost over.

"Oh you know, we were doing... Stuff." Calum smiled to himself.

"What kinda stuff?" Niall asked.

"Something great actually!" Michael nodded his head.

"You guys, seriously where we're you?" I took a bite of my sandwich, getting annoyed.

"Just taking care of Zayn and Harry for you, that's all." Luke laughed -evilly- sitting down.

Niall and I dropped our jaws as the food fell out of our mouths.

"YOU GUYS WHAT DID YOU-" I started to yell but realized people were looking. "-DO THEY COULD GET US BACK 10X WORSE." I whisper yelled.

"We only gave them a taste of their own medicine." Michael shrugged.

"You 'ONLY' gave them a taste of their own medicine?!" I face palmed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Niall asked hesitantly.

"Got rid of them." Calum said.


"You guys do realize they could always kill you...?" Niall mentioned.

"No they can't. We just knocked some sense into them." Luke smiled innocently.

"Literally knocked." Calum made a punching action.

"You guyyyys." I put my head in my hands.

"Ashton calm down, no body's gonna hurt you anymore." Michael said.

"Well what about Niall?" I gestured towards him.

"It's fine guys, I'll handle it." He gave a weak smile and left to go throw his lunch away.

"Oh my god, what if something happens?"

"Nothing's going to-"

"Mr. Hemmings, Clifford, Hood? Please come with me and ah yes Mr. Irwin is it? You too." The vice principle came up to us.

I look over to them and flip the middle finger up at them when Principle Payne turned around.

"I fucking hate you all." I whispered as we got up and followed him to his office.


So short omg sorry I cry but I'm so happy to be back! I literally do not know where I was going with this soooo cut me some slack😅

Anyways we have like 4k reads thank you all so so much for waiting so long for another update! I was going to wait till tomorrow buuut you guys deserve this XD

Comment, vote and yeahh(:

~Sydney x

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