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In the safe house, Dmitri still couldn't comprehend how they had found his mate, how they managed to teleport her out of the safe house. Now that he had gotten rest, the spell that gave him vision was active once again. He sat on one of the armchairs in the office of Alfonso, elbows propped on the surface of the wooden desk as Alfonso paced back and forth behind it. Caleb leaned his back against the wall across from them, cursing a storm of profanities.

"We should have known they would pull something like this," Alfonso said after stopping his annoying pacing.

"We need to head into that house, now." Dmitri clenched his fingers into fists. He couldn't bring himself to imagine what horrible things Diego could be doing to his mate. Every passing second was torture for him. He had to find her before he lost his mind.

"You should have never brought her here," Caleb said as he walked closer to Dmitri, shooting daggers at him with his eyes. "You're her mate, track her!" Dmitri ignored the desire of punching Caleb in the face over and over until his knuckles bled.

"Losing your temper isn't going to help Ludovica," Alfonso said before taking a seat on the armchair behind the desk. "We need to come up with a plan to enter that house."

Caleb ran a hand through his hair. "How on earth are we going to able to do such thing with all those guards at the entrance? If you haven't noticed twelve packs have fallen. Do you have any idea how great those numbers are? We are speaking of about one hundred pack members. We are only four."

Dmitri tilted his head to the side, as he felt a small feather-light touch that came whenever someone mind-linked with him. Ludovica?

Dmitri, oh god. I thought I couldn't communicate with you.

Are you alright? Has that bastard hurt you? As he waited for her answer, his heart clenched with pain, as if a dagger had been pushed into his heart slowly.

No. He hasn't hurt me. I'm going to try to find a way out of here. Please don't come for me. I don't want no one else getting hurt.

His eyes narrowed as he sensed the pain in her voice. You're hurt. I can sense it. What did he do to you?

Nothing that won't heal. She paused for a moment. He knows about our bond. Please, you need to leave before he finds you.

Dmitri shook his head. I will not.

We both know how he plans to break it. Please, for once do as I ask.

Dmitri inhaled deeply, finally noticing that Alfonso and Caleb were staring at him as if he had lost his mind. He knew that if Diego wanted a breeder as bad as it appeared, he would do his research. He would ask a witch how a spell as the one that bound Dmitri to Ludovica could be broken. If Diego would come for Dmitri, personally, he would lose, so he must have had a plan that didn't involve a fight.


At Alfonso's voice, Dmitri made eye contact with him. He never thought he would be sitting in the same room with either of them, but Ludovica was his main priority at the moment. It didn't matter if he couldn't stand either of the men in the room with him.

For what Alfonso had tried to do to his mate, he wanted to torture him to the extent of forcing him to lose his mind. Both men present loved his mate, and that made him almost, almost want to kill them both.

"Ludovica connected with me. She said that she is fine, but I lost connection. We can't waste any more time." He stood up, hand on the hilt of the dagger at his waist. "I will enter that damn house on my own if I have to."

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