Chapter Fourteen

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When Ludovica woke up, she heaved herself out of the bed and stared at piercing blue eyes. Alfonso stood a foot away from her, studying her. At the throbbing in her head, she pressed a hand against her temple.

"What happened?"

He didn't say a word.


"You aided the rogue to escape."

She thought for a moment. "I would never aid a rogue." She stepped closer, her chin held high. "How dare you imply such thing. I have lost everything because of those savages."

His eyes narrowed. "Ludovica, I saw it myself. You helped Dmitri escape."

"Dmitri?" Her eyes narrowed. "That bastard compelled me—I would never have helped him otherwise."

"Ludovica, what do you remember?"

Her eyes stung with tears. "My family's death...Jacquelyn betrayed us and then Dmitri crossed over and he was shot...I don't remember much after." He cupped her face, scrutinizing her and she pushed his hand away. "You don't believe me?"

"You're heartbeat says you aren't lying, so yes, I believe you. Now, I can't guarantee the prince will."

A knock came at the door and she opened to find Caleb in the hall, worry evident in his eyes. "Walter has arrived." Without a word, Ludovica headed downstairs to the study. When she opened the door, Walter rose to his feet. She had never met the wolf prince in person before. It was as many had said. He was a handsome dark-haired man with enchanting violet eyes and immense power radiated off him.

"We must have a long discussion."

"I agree," Alfonso said from beside Ludovica. "It seems that Dmitri managed to compel my fiancée into aiding him in his escape."

"Is that true?"


He picked up a folder from the desk behind him and opened it. "Dmitri Oriener? Do you recall meeting him before, Ludovica?"


"Odd." He closed the folder. "He was registered as the son of Anastasia and Richard Oriener. A young boy with immense power that seemed to not be able to contain it. He was also a silver wolf. The last male."

Ludovica narrowed her eyes. "I remember the names of his parents. They were the alphas of the pack that lived across from the river...b—but I don't remember his name."

"You were only a child when his pack was attacked and everyone was murdered." He handed her the folder. "Now, I'm curious to know how did he manage to take down two packs? If you asked me, that would be impossible without draining all his energy, which I'm guessing was almost fully drained by the chains, to begin with."

Ludovica remained silent.

"Alfonso, I would like a cup of coffee." An order to leave him alone with Ludovica.

Of course, Alfonso did not argue. Walter was their prince and no one ever disobeyed him. Well, unless one wished to be berated horribly.

Her eyes widened when she felt the pull as her prince called out to her inner wolf. Then, it was as if she no longer had control over anything—not her voice or body. She tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

"My apologies, my prince." Her voice came out huskier than usual. "It seems anything that has to do with Dmitri has been wiped out from my head. I cannot recall anything about him." She pressed her hand to her temples as a growl rumbled in her chest. "But his name brings joy to me somehow."

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