1. Connecting

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This can't be right, I am thinking as I pull up the street. I look around and this place looks like a closed universe of Norse gods and mythology. I check my phone again. No, I got it right. And still, there is a bar called Valhalla, a tattoo parlor with no name but the fierce design of Fenrir and... There it is! Valkyries Bonds.

I go up the place and push the door open. And there sitting on a desk is her. I haven't seen her in ages but she hasn't changed. That's a lie. There is something different about her. She looks... How do I name it? Not relaxed, she was always cool. Serene. That's the word. Alert as always but calmer, mellower. I lived to see the day...

I don't have time to take her more in before she realizes I am standing there. She looks up and her eyes meet mine. Instantly, recognition comes over her face. Good, I smile. I was afraid she has forgotten about me.

"Well, I'll be damned!" She yells.

From the kitchen another woman emerges gun in hand, ready to kill. Great, now there's two of them.

"No, Magdalene, it's cool," Ava says and gets up to meet me halfway.

Her smile is wide and she opens her arms. I forgot. She may be a cold Russian but she regals the occasional hug when she feels like it. I take the honour and I open my arms too. She is tall girl but I am still taller than her so when she comes close, I push her to my chest and leave a kiss on her hair.


There's a growl in the air and right after, said air is pushed out of my chest and I am thrown against the nearest wall by what seems to be a locomotive. Before I get the chance to do anything, a fist lands on my face. OK, that's normal. Ava has a way to have trouble following her.

Another fist is flying my way but you can only sucker punch me once. I move and the fist gets in the wall where my head was. Damn, that guy can punch. I turn to face my attacker and all I have the chance to see is a huge bear of a man that comes at me, grabs me in his arms and cuts the air flow to my body.

"Bjorn, stop!" Ava yells but she is not getting through.

The grip is getting tighter and I know I need to get out of it soon or I'll faint. I hit the man as hard as I can and he falters but doesn't let me go. There is a rage fueling him that is unbeatable. I on the other hand am not keen on killing someone.

"BJORN!" Ava has had enough.

She grabs the gigantic man by the arm but strong as she might be, she can't move that giant.

"Bjorn, this is just a friend!"

Nothing. I lean back and headbutt the man and that loosens his grip enough for me to get a breath while I feel blood run from my forehead.

"Bjorn, damn it! Stop now or it's the guestroom for you tonight!"

Wow, I smile despite the shitty situation. Someone domesticated Ava. No wonder this man is so freakishly strong. It takes one to stomach the she-wolf.

"I'll deal with you later," the guy yells at Ava and his eyes spark with fury.

"He is a friend!"

"Oh, so I am supposed to be OK with him groping my wife?" He screams and throws me at the wall, pressing his body against mine.

Wife? What the hell happened to Ava? The woman I knew would never let a man sleep over let alone get married.

"He was not groping, Bjorn."

"I was not," I smirk.

"You shut the fuck up and think of your last words," he turns to me.

"Bjorn, for fuck's sake! Stop this and hear me out."

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now