Chapter 17:The Painful Truth Discover

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AN- Okay guys. This chapter was very long and I hope you all be patient.

Next morning,
Class 1-A Dorm.

Third Person's POV

"WHAT?!" The students gasped in disbelief. "You guys fought..." Ashido covered her mouth. "... And now you're under house arrest?!" Hagakure continued. Midoriya and Bakugou were cleaning the common area using the vacuum cleaner.

"That's dumb!" Kaminari exclaimed mockingly.

"It's nonsense." Aoyama joined too.

"Are you stupid?" Kaminari said again and Bakugou started to get pissed off. "The pinnacle of stupidity." Tokoyami exclaimed.

"I can't believe you fought your own girlfriend, Bakugou." Kirishima sighed long. "Shut up!" Bakugou denied him.

"So, did you guys make up?" Uraraka asked Midoriya while approaching her friend with Iida next to her. "I-I think so." Midoriya scratched her curly hair.

Everyone left the buildings to go to school, leaving the couple alone, doing their own chores. The situation was full of silence, only the noise of vacuum cleaner could be heard.

Midoriya hissed in pain silently, making sure Bakugou didn't hear her. She massaged her throbbing head repeatedly. Ever since last night, her head and chest wouldn't stop hurting her that she couldn't fall asleep at all.

They both continued to do their own works, minding their business without bothering each other.

As Midoriya was cleaning the lounge, she noticed a small greenish light emitted from her pendant. Midoriya held the pendant in her hand, watching it strangely since this was her first time seeing her pendant shining like this.

But she only ignored the pendant and continued doing her work. Without her realizing, Bakugou saw her pendant shining just now but kept it silent.


After school,
Class 1-A Dorm...

Third Person's POV

"Hmm? What's this dust, Bakugou?" Mineta smirked mockingly at angry Bakugou while showing him the dust on his finger. "Deku is supposed to clean that! Stop messing around!" Bakugou exclaimed to defend himself, proving that he was innocent. Sero and Mineta laughed cynically at him, amused to tease the firecracker once in a blur moon.

"Hey Deku! Can't you even clean properly?!" Bakugou hollered at the green female but she looked like she lost in her own thoughts since she didn't flinch back like usual.

Bakugou noticed Midoriya's odd behaviour. It was very rare for the princess of nonsense to be quiet whenever he yelled at her.

Midoriya was putting in the trashes into the yellow plastic but now her hands suddenly stopped working and she kept staring at the blank space.

Bakugou only stared at his girlfriend silently yet he felt very worried deep down inside but he kept denying tha fact that his love was in trouble.

Uraraka and Iida finally arrived at the dorm and they intended to greet Midoriya but they called off their intention when they saw Midoriya's usual glimmering emerald eyes looked very lifeless as if she was dead. "Iida-kun..." Uraraka called the class representive in concern. Iida took notice of this. He bit his bottom lip in worry.

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