Chapter 13:We Noticed

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Still nigttime,
In the dorm...

Midoriya's POV

I ran into the dorm as fast as I can to avoid Kacchan but I knew I was too late because I heard explosion coming from behind. I glanced behind me for a few seconds and I was right!!

Kacchan was charging towards me with his Explosion! "DEKUUU!!!!" He yelled my name with grumpy expression plastered on his handsome face.

I tried to run faster but Kacchan managed to catch me with gripping my shirt collar! My classmates were surprised with Kacchan's outburst.

"I knew it! You're hiding something from me!" Kacchan growled in annoyance. He turned my body so that I would face him.

"Spit.It.Out.Deku." Kacchan commanded while giving me a deadly glare. Tears started to drip out of my emerald eyes.

I really hated being forced to tell my secret...the most!

"Let me go!" I hollered and I felt electric shock coursing through my hands and all of sudden, Kacchan let me go but it looked like he was forced to do so unwillingly.

Kacchan stumbled back and fell on his butts as a result after letting me go. It was like something pushed him back with powerful force. "Kacchan,you're so mean!" I yelled at him as tears streamed down faster from my eyes. I stomped off to the elavator to head back to my room, leaving the common area with my friends still in total confusion.

I'm sorry,everyone...

Bakugou's POV


Just now, while I was gripping Deku's shoulders, I felt electric shock coursing through my hands and arms and dang it, it was the most painful thing I had ever felt in my whole frigging life!

This thing had happened before my house and my room. It was happening more often now whenever Deku was emotional!

"Bakugou-kun! Why did you do that to Deku-chan?!" Round Face hollered at me while crossing her arms in her chest, looking very furious. I turned my head to look at somewhere else and  surprsingly remained silent, unlike my normal response which of course, would be cursing and mocking and yelling.

"Oi,oi. It's only for few hours you both became couple and you already have a fight with your girlfriend?" Weird Hair sighed but I still remained silent.

My mind was still thinking about Deku. I noticed that lately, she looked very exhausted and...depressed.

"Oi,Round Face..." I called her out without turning to look at her stupid face. "What?" She scowled at me.

"Did Deku tell you anything...?" I got up and turned to look at her face with demanding expression. Round Face looked surprised by my question as I saw her furious expression was quickly replaced with face fulled of concern and surprise.

"Bakugou-kun...Could it be you notice too...? Deku-chan..." She spoke up in concern. She looked down with sad face.

The other extras did the same thing as her. They looked very worried. "Midoriya-kun...Lately we noticed she had been acting weird than before..." Damn Four-Eyes spoke up while clenching his fists.

"She had been spacing out a lot...not to mention, me and Uraraka sometimes heard screams and loud cries coming from her room..." Racoon Face's statement shocked everyone the most and caught my attention.

"Hey, isn't this is bad?" Dunce Face asked us in worry. "I once asked Midoriya-san about it...but she denied it..." Vice Rep's face clouded in concern.

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